How redpilled on race and the Jew is the average millennial/zoomer here...

How redpilled on race and the Jew is the average millennial/zoomer here? Are they in the clutches of globohomo propaganda just like whites from the rest of the world?

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There are a lot of variables that could either put them into the libtard cuck camp or the based racist next hitler camp. Variables like location (rural vs urbanites) and language play the biggest roles in my opinion. Race redpill is far more common than kike redpill.

I guess it's just like anywhere else, really.

Are there large white populations in cities?
I was under the impression the cities were full of blacks and the whites were sequestered to the countryside.
How common are interracial couples and is it more often WMBF or BMWF?

English - generally liberal
Afrikaners - more conservative if rural, never seen any open dislike of Jews
Blacks - Generally dislike Jews but not for based reasons. Mu Palestinians,

Fucking interesting. I just assumed every white south african spoke both Afrikaners and English. If libs can still manage to be libs in a place like SA without jumping through massive mental gymnastic loops it tells me that the violence and crime can’t be that bad as portrayed over here.

>Are there large white populations in cities?
Depends on where you look. There are no cities that are majority white as far as I know, but there are some that are relatively white like >15% in Cape Town (mostly Anglo) and >50% Pretoria (mostly Afrikaans) [2011 figures]

Nogs have been flowing into cities for the last 20 years at record speeds.

>How common are interracial couples and is it more often WMBF or BMWF?
Rare actually. Even in cities I rarely see them. (Might be luck)

No they are fucking retarded. I love the Boers but they are also kinda retarded.

Fug, I meant < not >

>violence and crime can’t be that bad as portrayed over here

It is, but being liberal is a mental disease that knows no bounds

It's complicated across the board. Some of the older folk are split between "God's chosen" and "Synagogue of satan"

Across the board most whites are redpilled on blacks but it decreases as you move into the cities. (((Joburg))) (((capetown))) (((pretoria))) (((durban)))

Now zoomers. They are usually baseline based, meaning that they are redpilled on blacks and have no qualms with making jew jokes.

However there is currently a split heating up on both sides. Extremists. Both the Lgbtqstruv bbc loving faggots and 1488 gas the jews zoomies.

All and all I'd say the future is looking peachy and dandy.

the cucks i have met from SA are from cape town.
they LITERALLY had to leave the country because they are white and can't find a job because of black quotas, as well as having to live in constant nog fear, but you will hear them protect the nogs to no end.
I dunno if it's the jew dna in them or what, considering the kikes fled sa faster than they can remove a foreskin after the end of apartheid, but they are somehow even more insufferable than the biggest lefty cuck from melbourne -- and believe me that is saying something

>How redpilled on race and the Jew is the average millennial/zoomer here?
please don't group zommers and millennials together, they're worlds apart
millennials lived through 9/11 and the awakening from innocence
zoomers think everything is fine in clown world and most of them are going along with it
boomers have their heads so far up their asses they might as well be honorary jews

I legitimately despise all forms of racism and bigotry. Brought nothing but ruin to my country.
t. Serbian zoomer

>I just assumed every white south african spoke both Afrikaners and English.
They do... kind of
It's really complicated. There are a LOT of subgroups.
But for simplicity's sake I'd like you to envision the following
>The rural afrikaner boer (May or may not speak english) he is based AF
>The city dwelling soutie (english speaking, speaks afrikaans like a fag) soiboy, generally liberal
There are many groups of whites inbetween but these are the most contrasting.

Libtards cucks are actually insane. There are anti-gun activist groups in this country spearheaded by whites.

>incompetent nigger police force
>nearly 60 murders a day
>"I know, let's remove whitey's chance for self-defence!"

>I legitimately despise all forms of racism and bigotry
Man up, faggot


In what way? I admit, their defence of kikes enrage me to the core.

Honestly curious, how fucked up are South African prisons? How prevalent are the 28s 26s?

All we have to go off of is anecdote, but I'd say my grandpa and I are the only people into politics enough to have an idea of why shits happening beyond the spoonfed choose-your-anchor narrative. My nieces and nephews all seem to have their power levels concealed and I overhear it slip every now and then especially around me since I'm the cool older relative that plays vidya and appreciates memes.

I'd rather an hero before going to a prison in this shithole

I could say with certainty but pretty fucked up. Although it's majority non-white so if you are white you are screwed.

28s, 27s, 26s, are a coloured gang so they are only found on the coast amongst coloured communities. But in the crime world they are prevelant and wouldn't be to find one in their neighbourhoods.
I Met a ex-con 26. Turned to religion and repented his ways. Good guy.

26 -all that glitters and shines (theft)
27 -something something blood (murder)
28 - everything in the shadows (everything)