
Can someone explain to a smooth brain whats causing this inflation?

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Printing money is literally the only thing that causes inflation. 100% a function of the money supply.

>shut down economy for 2 years
>massive decrease in fossil fuel use
>restart economy
>Oil and gas companies jack up prices to recoup lost revenue
>Literally everything is more expensive because fuel cost more

Printing more money is part of the picture but that money doesn't really get into the hands of the average consooomer. It's really fuel prices driving up everything else.

The DNC released a biological weapon on the world.

>Can someone explain to a smooth brain whats causing this inflation?

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Crushing a supply chain doesn’t help. Even when credit is tightened and less money is created, prices will remain high because there just won’t be enough of certain things to go around.
>nutritious food
>capital equipment
at least you’ll have cheap garbage from China on the shelves of every Walmart and Target; both of those stores are shitting themselves with all of the space they don’t have because of over ordering.

Overvalued labour

Sabotaging suppliers and supply chains can be used to fake an inflation, and then use increasing panic consumption to justify higher interest rates and make the people repay the higher government debt using future taxes.

It all started with trump starting the money printer and Biden continued it. Those two are in on whatever is about to happen to this country.

This doesn't reflect what you think it does, it reflects a change in federal reserve regulations in 2020 so that money that used to be held in other types of accounts that weren't part of m1 now falls under m1 money supply definition

Money printer is going much much more brrrr than it should because it is much much more lucrative politically.

printing trillions of dollars out of nowhere

Some good answers here. To add on, the fed was planning to increase the interest rate in the middle of Trump's presidency to prevent the economy from overheating. Through tweets and indirect threats, Trump pressured Powell from doing so.
Also worth mentioning that our current CPI metrics are detached from reality and constantly underreport inflation. The fed was guided by these faulty metrics to make decisions for a very long time.

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Thats not entirely correct, in PREVIOUS eras, money printing like quantiative easing didn't reach the hands of consoomers, like bailing out banks and buying toxic assets (worthless derivatives), cash mostly went to financial institutions and large risk bearers like AIG

In the SARS2 bullshit, kajillions of PPP dollars, extended unemployment, direct assistance, etc etc spilled over into the circulating supply available to consumers, increasing the rate that consumers pull gas, denim jeans, food, electronics off the shelf

that puts us into a classic "too many dollars chasing too few goods" demand-pull inflation

Thinking he was going to lose the election as a result of catastrophic economic collapse due to COVID, Trump ordered the fed to accumulate trillions of dollars in assets to keep the (artificial) market "boom" going. To do this the fed needed to print and introduce enormous quantities of cheap liquidity and also hold interest rates at zero so the debt ridden middle class didn't go bankrupt. Eventually the fed had to raise rates to counter inflation causing the debt economy to implode.

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Vladimir Putin :^)

the federal reserve has a money printer.
the step change was a change in definition, the concerning part of that chart is what happens after the step change.

fuck off retard, its 100% the money printer

Sure, it's the increase in the money supply. Get an old dictionary and you'll see that. One of the consequences of inflation is price increases. Although modern retards put the cart before the horse and came up with 'price inflation and monetary inflation' with price increases being the former and 'true' inflation being the latter.

You ya fuckin’ chud nazi your bad attitude is why, maybe if you just had sex with a beautiful transwoman none of this would have happened

Go on sensei

The vast majority of the problems and concerns for regular Americans originate in Washington DC. The Washington DC communists limit the amount of oil that can be drilled for in America. It is the Washington DC communists that have turned the EPA into a predatory regulatory agency that literally makes it impossible for big oil to build an oil refinery in America.
Remember when they made a big deal out of Biden signing 100 executive orders in his first week of office. One of those EO's stopped construction of the Keystone Pipeline. An oil refinery in North Dakota at the Keystone Pipeline hub would go a long way in reducing the price of refined petroleum products in America. It is Washington DC communists that stop these projects with their regulations and lawsuits.
Lenin said he would grind the middle class between the mill stones of taxation and inflation. This is what the communists in Washington DC are doing. The communists in Washington DC know that high gasoline and diesel fuel prices hurt rural and middle class Americans the most.
Fight the communists in Washington DC.

The fed does not release money into the economy, user. THey can print as much as they want, doesn't matter. The people that put money in the economy (and effectively "print" the money) are the banks. It is when you loan money that money is created, it is not created in any other time

Prior, fed expanded bank's balance sheets because they were about to go bankrupt
This meant banks had liquidity to stay afloat
They did not lend everything the fed created out. They just had it to remain solvent (got rid of bad loans, and so on)
This means they just didn't go bankrupt and the economy didn't get nuked. The only thing it created was a moral hazard, because banks weren't punished for bad investments, but it didn't create inflations. Banks were just kept afloat, so the economy could chug along

In 2020, the fed literally pumped money into the economy for the first time ever. They didn't shore up banks this time, they threw the hail mary and even bought junk bonds. This means they bought bonds offered by companies, like Apple, and so on. They literally gave companies like Apple money. This means they didn't just give money to the banks and force them to lend reliably to keep the economy stable
The economy was melting down and they had to do something fast, and they injected trillions right up the ass of the economy

And that is why we have inflation now
Now they want to cause a recession in order to ease the inflation. The end result is stagflation, because you can't eliminate this recession. It is a "transitory" pill that just has to take its due course. It might end in 2023, 2024 or maybe the recession will be so bad that the fed will create more inflation
If they don't create a recession, we will see inflation the likes of which we haven't seen before but if we have a recession we might see problems for 2-3 years and then might, MIGHT, recover, depending on how bad the recession is going to be (it will probably be so bad the fed will have to do somthng again)

depends how you define inflation. if you take government inflation figures then its possible that it's all supply/demand issues, not monetary policy

this is only part of it. a big part to be sure. the other parts are entirely pandemic related. everybody came off lockdowns and all that pent up demand lurched forward. at the same time the supply chain was severely damaged during the pandemic leading to shortages. plus a ton of boomers decided to retire or leave the workforce during the pandemic leading to labor shortages. plus the war in krane blew up energy prices. so a lot of this is pandemic or war related as well. its not just the money supply. although like i said. that is probably the largest factor.

Relax babe, it’s mostly the money printer, but not exclusively. Even a system with hard money could experience price inflation with a restriction in supply.

holy shit. by definition inflation is talking about the money supply.

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Gas. Costs more to work,transport goods,generate energy ect.

you can blame richard nixon for fucking up the us dollar by delinking it from the gold standard. dogshit dollar has been toilet paper ever since.

inflation refers to the money supply, not cost of goods and services. period.