2022-06-14 Thousands of Cattle Reported Dead

>Heat Stress Kills Estimated 10,000 Head of Kansas Feedlot Cattle
>Large losses in feedlots due to heat stress seem to start every year around June, said veterinarian A.J. Tarpoff, who works with Kansas State University Extension. He explained that when there is a "perfect storm" of too much heat and no opportunity for nighttime cooling, cattle can accumulate heat and die from the stress. It's a situation, he added, that can hit both feedlot and grazing animals.
>"The second week of June is when, historically, we start to see this, and I think a lot of it has to do with the hair coat. Cattle can adapt to almost any environment on earth, but they need time. At this point in the season, a lot of them have not fully shed that winter hair coat and slicked off," he said, adding that the fact that the majority of the U.S. cow herd is black also means they can't cool as efficiently.
video source:twitter.com/buperac/status/1536908506023878656

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why are jews trying to take away our meat boys

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Do Americans not plant a few trees in their fields to give the animals some cover.

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Thanks Obama!

and waste corn growing space?
what are you a commie?
not seriously 3k head all in the same night? this wasnt heat.

>it's the heat goy
>we need to lower emissions or you'll never get to eat meat again!

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Listen to the experts, people!

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I could believe it, there was a giga-huge solar flare that probably is the culprit. It could also be kikes killing them off in order to artificially reduce the food supply.

did you not even read the fucking twitter comments you niggerfaggot op?

>Apparently this is video of the 3000 cattle that died in SW Kansas. Original tweet said heat, farmer I talked in Kansas said it wasn’t the heat.

>Never seen a herd of cattle die out in any heat/weather before! Feedlots keep heavy water flowing and some even spray the cattle to keep them cool. Not sure how this could have happened if not neglect, what was it?

>Well a google will bring up the article with images from this, claiming it was heat and only about 400. Not 3,000.

>Too green in the fields to be heat related.

>They look burned. And don't say they Angus. How recent is this? There been some fires the past few months thats killed a lot of cattle. And the stiff legged is odd. Seen a lot of dead cattle in my life and they don't die a normal death like that.

kek I remember that article.

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Something to keep in mind for what happens next.

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Immagine the smell

I think we're over 70 sun spots right now, and yeah, several flares at once even.
Besides that, its a fucking feedlot setup. All of those cattle were probably in a smaller area than they are laid out in that video. Good chance some immigrant diversity hire forgot to water them or put out salt too.
We have Temps way higher than that most of the summer and graze cows on BLM with basically no water and zero trees and they do just fine.

Antifa did this.

You can probably count the number of trees in Kansas west of KC metro on one hand

why dont they just go around and pour water on them or shave them if they think they might overheat and die

10,000 cattle play dead for the camera

I dont know, maybe they are not sheep?

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imagine the smell

You seem to know what you are talking about so let me ask.
Do you know how long does it take for a dead cow to inflate like that?
What do you think it can kill that many all at the same time?