Jews Sue DeSantis To Keep Abortion Clinics Open

How much money does this whole abortion thing make anyways? Why are they so hellbent on killing babies after 5 months? Doesn't the girl know she's pregnant after 5 months already?

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You'd think those kikes have plenty of shadow groups who do the litigating for them without being called " THE SYNAGOGUE"

Such an argument should go the exact same way as religions trying to not pay income taxes: tough titty.

They need the stem cells from fetuses.

Noooo! He promised!!

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Jewish law protects the slaughter of babies as religious right

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Is this why they want abortion? Stem cells for rich people whose bodies are failing? How much money does this business make?

Jewish law supersedes US law. Check and mate.

except they will save the life of a mother through abortion regardless of the laws. they only ban elective abortions.

This ain't Israel. Let them go back to Isreal if they want the abortions. Sick fucks... the mental well-being. That's a laugh they're all mental.

Uh oh the Nazis are going to like this.


No, jews have a practice of ritually sacrificing children to the demons they worship. They even use the blood to make fucking pastries with.

Hopefully the retard starts to catch on, but knowing Christcucks they will die worshipping kikes even after getting stabbed in the back by them for the billionth time.

A few hundred billion a year.
It's why UKR is important, huge human trafficking and "adoption" rings there that were set up in 2014

>no more Jewish Kings
>no more Jewish judges
>no more pharisees
The Jew is now completely unhinged and disconnected, their deeds in the Old Testament will pale in comparison to what they will do now

Jews should be exempt from any restrictions on abortion.

It's already decided supreme court affirmed: the court cannot question your religious convictions, but those religious ideals in no way let you avoid law. Because that would be the government establishing respect to a religion

Um well actually sweaty we have separation of church and state bigot

just make a jewish exemption

No,no. They should be exempt from any us law

this is good, jewish spawn should be aborted

nazis are collectivists,
i hate jews individually

Who set it up and what are they used for in Ukraine?

oy vey! you can't separate synagogue and state! the ritual sacrifices must proceed!!

laws over religion