Polchuds btfod once again by the King himself

Polchuds btfod once again by the King himself.

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fuck off

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This post appears to be an automated spambot.

Thats it
Pack it up boys
Weve been BTFO'd

That's fucking disgusting.

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The Chud fears the microwaved salmon filet

Fuck this thread and fuck steven king. you PAN SEAR the salmon you dolt.

Yikes. I don't even have one of those

>no salt
>microwaving raw protein

Yeah, he literally has never cooked a meal in his life. He probably just chugs a bottle of vodka and passes out each night, which would explain most of his novels.

yeah bro just eat this nasty ass shit from the sea that's filled to the brim with parasites and will make you sick over time from over exposure to mercury cool
oh btw that'll be $20 + tip

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If I see you put salmon in a microwave I shall shank you in the ribs

Pigdisgusting filthy manchild.

>microwave is... LE BAD?
You are a sheep.

>microwaving salmon

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Can you even afford salmon?

Fucking microwaved salmon on a papertowel kek
My sides are in orbit

This is what we are up against in the upcoming conflict. Shouldn't last long

>Can you even afford salmon?

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another rich person flaunting his wealth by telling us how he can afford to ruin food just for laughs

>I'm gonna shoot Stephen King in the boogaloo

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>fockin yankee stanky doo doo SHOITE

Do Americans really?