Reminder that (((blackrock))) is a company that owns 10% of US assets and is almost entirely responsible for the...

Reminder that (((blackrock))) is a company that owns 10% of US assets and is almost entirely responsible for the corruption of the white culture. Those kikes created the alladin system, that biggest investment firms use and this program forces esg rating that forces the political agenda on companies such as "lgbt incusivity" and other. Companies need to adhear to this Jewish system unless they want to kill its company as it will for sure cut out most investment from many companies
Spread this info
Let the normies know

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I really wonder who is FORCING companies to diversify...

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It's what liberals wanted

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So what is to stop an average nigga like me from [FBI SPONSORED ACTIVITY] to [REDACTED FED POST] the board members?

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just another proxy, kill it and a dozen more will take its place

blackrock controls everything

so between this and infinite migration, whites are really fucked. that's a two-pronged attack.

Deese nutz

Their Minecraft server probably has admins on round the clock to permaban anyone who logs into it without being part of the clan.
I'm sure some schizos have probably tried already but the media would never mention it, just like they don't mention suicides in cities with big bridges (it encourages more)

bump, fuck them

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Nothing will change.

You gave blackrock your retirement money, and they get to use it however they want. You're the problem, not blackrock. Enjoying your "401k match"?

They are evil kikes

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Hatred of these pieces of shit should unite the left and right desu. Red/Brown alliance?

Reminder that Aladdin does not meet the requirements for an ethically trained system. Between the acquisition of data, lack of opt-in from underlying datapoints, to the introduction of controlled and repeatable biases: Alladin is not run on a production-safe model.

Your testicular fortitude. Jews have no problem executing based white men. WW2 was basically jews killing an entire country off because it was too based.

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More? And whats it from?


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Why jews promote lgbt incusivity?
Old testament /tora isnt against that?

Reminder that if America and China destroy each other, Europe and thereforethe white race can survive

From what I gather their product is give us control of your money and well tell you what to do?

>leaving out Israel
spotted the kike

go back to your police state, wiener-müncher

Big true. Blackrock and Vanguard. Thanks for spreading the info. For too long these motherfucking antiwhite whoresons have worked in the shadow.

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Came here to post these. Good job lads.

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I hope all anons saw that Blackrock ((goblin)) rubbing its paws together while blaming nationalism for inflation


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Why are the whites complaining about white genocide when all they have to do is just have babies? What's so hard about that?

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>heh, just outbreed the millions of legal and illegal immigrants coming into the country every year
are you dumb?

occupy wallstreet or something

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He should be doxxed, where he has his houses etc. Who his children are. What cars he owns. Offices. Everything.