Moroccans in Italy

For people living in italy, did you notice how moroccans are in fact the peak of criminality here? Just look at Milan, with the rise of real gangs made of immigrants. I am myself a moroccan, tho i don’t associate with this bullshit, these guys rob people on the daily, recently they kidnapped a guy and forced him sex. They also treat women like shit and gang rape them. Idk why the fuck no one is talking about this, except right wing politicians. I know that also in Belgium they got these kind of problems, just let me know guys.

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There is literally nothing wrong with being a career criminal.

That ain’t even career, they can’t even get in a fight without involving knives or 30+ friends

S teir nigger right here

>For people living in italy, did you notice how moroccans are in fact the peak of criminality here?

It isn't limited to Italy user. It is a European problem.

What you gonna do about it, Gert?

Can you imagine Spain being next to Morocco? The mediterranean coast is ridded with them, a true plague, and they multiply like rats, they are a true disaster, clearly the worst inmigrants we have here by far. And the worst part is that they see Spain as a legitimate claim, they are actively trying to retake the peninsula. I hope they all die :(


Daily reminder that Catalonia is a memeflag

Geert Wilders is a Jewish shill, he visited the Israeli embassy so much the AIVD tracked him.

I know user, was just expressing my distaste towards these insects.

Come on man, then stop visiting Catalonia on summer, getting all drunk with your kids you degenerate fucks. :)

People here still cant comprehend the idea that the immigrants from north african countries are either the top brains of the country which is not more than 1% of that country or the lowest of the rabble and criminals and they just project that on everyone else, this is like wasps in the 1920s thinking that all italians are in the mafia or so

moroccans are literal niggers

The Barbary Muslim pirates kidnapped Europeans from ships in North Africa’s coastal waters (Barbary Coast). They also attacked and pillaged the Atlantic coastal fishing villages and town in Europe, enslaving the inhabitants. Villages and towns on the coast of Italy, Spain, Portugal and France were the hardest hit. Muslim slave-raiders also seized people as far afield as Britain, Ireland and Iceland.

Like many great empires that came before it, the Ottoman Empire was based on slavery, but unlike most examples of slavery, in the Ottoman Empire, slaves were white.

Howdy fellow white people, I too is white. Don't mind this slave collar around my neck, I need to vote and spread multiculturalism, do you mind if I invite these friendly looking humans over? Although most males, they are victims looking for a new life, they're not here to further enslave more white people and distort the culture with shamanic heroin and hashish, the stuff the white girls and boys... I mean plants crave.

they distract italians from the romanian question

The Moroccan fears the big jew investors cock.
Literally all you have to do is send ashkenazi and sephardi rape thier children in Morocco.
And done they're demoralised.
Thier birth rate are below replacement levels already.
I cannot thank kikes enough

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>id you notice how moroccans are in fact the peak of criminality here?
That'd be Albanians and Romanians
Now, probably, Ukrainians too

You wish they did Radu, I got my eyes on you
Redpill me on this, are kikes doing something to morrocco?

I just saw a documentary on Moroccan gangs like a month ago. They supposedly control the ports in Rotterdam and Antwerp

Kikes are literally organizing pedo rings in Morocco