How can i quit weed, junk food, this and every other addicting site?

at least for 30 days. tried and failed too many times. pls help. thank you

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you have some self control ya fucking pussy

Thinks that are addictive are things that are good for you. You smoke weed because you have a bad family life. You eat junk food because you don't excersize and your body doesn't know how to ask for healthy food. You are addicted to "websites" for the same reason as junk food: you've never done a hard day's work.

Your cure is 60 push-ups and to talk to your father about your failures.

Take all of the weed and paraphernalia and throw it in the bin right now, pour ketchup on top of it if you think you are too much of a degenerate to resist taking it out again

Easier to quit everything else with a clear mind

get busy with real world stuff, start by cleaning your room, throw out the weed ENTIRELY. No temptation if you have none. Store your junk food and keep only for special occasions or emergencies and when it's gone don't buy any more trash food. Start buying wholesome food instead and eat moderately. Enjoy your food when you eat it, but then do other things in between your meals like cleaning. Or yard work. Eventually your body will understand food is FUEL, not just pleasure and you'll burn calories the right way and you'll crave nutritious food instead of junk food.

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If you are white than you can do it with will power just think about Hitler and his struggle

You can't quit it all at once. Try one at a time, space them two months apart.

I am not going to lie, quitting addictions is a monumentally massive task in some cases.

I think that the first thing to do is setting goals.

Are you fat? Aim to become fit. Look at the benetifs if you take this decision
>Way more attractive to the opposite sex
>Fellow men/women will respect you more as a peer.
>Reduce expenses with medicine.
>Better health
>More liveliness.
>Improves mood and cognition
>Improves discipline.

Think about weed.
What are its benefits? I guess none. weed (just like cigarretes and alcohol) is one of those socially accepted drugs. Avoid it at any costs, see its malefits and how it fucks your most precious organ (brain)

everyone in my family is a full-on addict. I'm surprised that I'm still more or less a normally functioning person

Sad when a woman pierces her nipples.
>how are u gonna feed my spawn you dumb cunt

I dunno about the rest op but you can't ever leave here.

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Just stop. What is wrong with you? Are you a woman? Stop acting like one.

You sound like you were frequently raped as a child

every time you get the urge to do it, do 20 push-ups and take a cold shower

>grouping us with everything else
Any Forums is the global center of the dissident-right. We're a force of good. If anything, we're the only website you should be looking at.

my father is a narcissist boomer send help

Based CB media enjoyer. I personally find Thai whores beyond repulsive and their language is ear rape.

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And you'll be the first to break the cycle. Because you are awake to the dangers. Because you are new. Because you are pol.

take on stupid hrs that leave you with just enough time to work, sleep, shower, repeat. Idol hands are the devils workshop

What are the political implications of plastic ladyboys LARPing as Nazis who can't even get the direction of the swastika right?

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As anything else, internal fortitude. If you cannot make contact with it you simply will not thrive in this world. It's no revelation people do it every day, buck up jr

god such sweet juicy nazi milkers

yes that's correct, it was in the Netherlands under the guise of the AFS American Field Service program. I was sold to a family in Arnhem for 11 months.

everyone is saying throw out the weed but im in a medical state and strong sativa concentrates for day time they literally FORCE me out of the house and to be productive i cant sit here and look at a monitor with sativa, but indicas/hybrids in the daytime make me lazy so that shit is a sleepaid only

this might work but where do i start? anyone ever become a mormom? seems like they have it figured out

Become an hero

You sound like your father didn't love you enough to give you proper beatings as a child, so you crave them now.

most sativas/hybrids give me heart palpitations and anxiety

Mormons are masons. You need Jesus. Jesus died for your sins, was buried, and rose again. His power is resurrection. New life. Ask him to save you by praying and asking for that life. He gives it freely. Makes a new creature of out you. Give you strength and joy when needed. His word is true. He is the word. Word?

I have quit weed and just about every thing else out there.... it needs to be cold turkey... you need to want it, I just quit because I got my dream job

It's allllot easier after 3 days

Get a job in a rural area or a mine.