Why did Argentina fail?

It is a country almost the size of India, with vast fertile lands and mineral riches

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It failed?



Death to kikes

As a Argentine girl I had as a side piece once told me, "socialism destroyed us"

ANSWER: Minorities. Whites simply can not keep any country we create stable if we allow minorities to infect society. Argentina, like the rest of South America, suffers a huge identity crisis which prevents successful stability.

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Brazilian horde pillaging it every century.
This century was the smartest pillaging in history, we poisoned their politics, they are run by retarded Brazilian workers party puppets
If there is one good thing Lula did was eradicating any attempt of any SA country ever challenging our supremacy over the continent
We are the demons of this realm

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>Why did Argentina fail?
>vast fertile lands and mineral riches
There's your answer.

Every day this thread nigger. Countries such as the US and the UK are successful because they manage big ponzi schemes at the expense of other countries (not muh protestant ethic or hard work), third world countries do not do that.

Same reason India failed

If you’re too rich and fertile, you have no motivation to work
In my ancestral village, the land is so fertile that you literally just have to drop some seeds and that crap grows into a crop by itself

That just breeds laziness and indolence

>Why did Argentina fail
Uruguayan hegemony

They hate us cuz they anus

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too many jews, most argentinians have ashkenazi blood

Argentina is literally whiter than most of europe and north america.

>Same reason India failed
The reason is Capitalism, and because you are retarded bhenchod.

Not really, we are at most 30% white

I love this kind of map. Is there more pls?

argentina was like 90% until 2000s but despite its resources and size it was never as great as the USA or even brazil

Yorugua femboy
Yorugua femboy

Too good weather everyday for working. People there eat big steaks, drink wine and dancing tango....all days and nights.

30% if you consider only people with recent european blood (a bunch of old farts basically) as white
otherwise it must be 70% or so

because they are black

any country with a nigger majority is bound to fail

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Where are all the brown people then? I visited Buenos Aires a few months ago and I can only wish western european capitals were this white.

t. Abraham Mileicovksy Makrish Kirzner

At least 400k jews live in Argentina

This. Its actually growing. I suspect they are trying to keep their heads down and quiet, for multiple reasons, but partially to stay white and out of sight.

really? last time i went to Buenos Aires it was basically little Bolivia

It failed only for the locals. From another point of view, Argentina is exactly what the owners want it to be.

If you talk to other South Americans, Argentina keeps failing because it's full of Argentinians.

bahahahhahahha nigger cope

>400,000/45,000,000 = .009
Thats less then 1%. Standard jew practice worldwide.

that's the number of pure jews, if we count people with partial jewish ancestry it's actually a lot
when argennigas do DNA test they always have at least 5% ashkenazi blood

Sure user, sure.

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Chile looks like it would be really nice I was looking around on Google earth

check the map of south america, the average Argentinian has the green colour which represents ashkenazi jewish, other south american countries do not have it

I think we have the biggest jew population in the world after Israel and USA.
Patagonia is like a back up land for the jews they want it mostly empty.

>I visited Buenos Aires a few months ago and I can only wish western european capitals were this white.
Buenos Aires is where all the whites are