How do images like these make you feel ? has there been a bigger W in history ?

how do images like these make you feel ? has there been a bigger W in history ?

Attached: file.png (239x422, 49.65K)

>has there been a bigger W in history ?
glad you asked
pic related

Attached: corpsed.jpg (620x446, 52.05K)

good thing we lost, i wouldn’t want to live in a world where gamal fanboys actually win or achieve something, their ideology only brings us defeat and humiliation

Don't hasidic jews actually hate Israel, Golda Meir etc ?

oy vey sweetie war crimes aren't exactly what qualifies as a "W"

Every time I see pics of the IDF at least 60% of them have glasses. Is Jew vision really that bad?

>war crimes


i am pretty sure you get your dinsinformation from white supremacist outlets hate and israel are two words that don't belong in the same sentence
Actually these are BCG (birth control glasses) it prevents soldiers from hooking up and burdening the sate with bastard babies

The holocaust was vengeance for 2000 years of infiltration and the murder of Christ

lmfao canada haven't existed for 2000 years

You really want to know what I think? I'm an Orthodox Sunni (Ashari-Maturidi) so here's what I think from my perspective:

1. The leadership of Syria (Salah Jadid, Hafez al-Assad) were Alawites, so they're not even Muslim. Meanwhile, the leader of Egypt (Nasser) commissioned a fatwa from Al-Azhar decreeing Alawites, Twelvers and even Druze (who don't even consider themselves to be Muslim) as being 'Muslim'. Thereby he too is a heretic and apostate.

From a religious perspective, these two entities weren't even in the graces of God or on the side of Islam in any manner. They could have still persevered nonetheless based on material reasons, much like Faux Israel itself and other regimes through out history, but they didn't.

2. Aside from Saadi Morocco's defeat of the Portuguese in 1578 and a handful other shit in the past 1000 thousands, Arabs have never won jack shit. Even in that case, Saadi Morocco followed up by invading the Songhay Empire in search of gold which only ended up opening the door for colonialism in Africa.

It was Ayyubid Kurds, Zengid Turks and Hafsid Amazigh who defeated the Crusaders.
It was Mamluq Turks who defeated the Mongol-led Ilkhanate.
It was Almoravid Amazigh who sent reinforcements to Andalus to hold back the Catholic Conquista.

Arabs have never saved other Muslims from persecution or genocide, on the contrary, it's always other Muslims who have to save Arabs time and time again.

Likewise, to even assume that Arabs will defeat Israel is a faulty dialectic to begin with. Rather the Arab regimes and Israel will both fall, as they are both an affront against God.



History attests to the fact that since the post-Rashidun era, the Muslim World suffers great ills when Arabs gain power. Perhaps this is because all historical deviations and heresies with the exception of Neo-Mazdakism were created by Arabs and then used as political tools to gain power over Muslims and non-Arabs.

In the 930s, the Abbasids, who were already deviants for much of their existence, became puppets of the Buyid dynasty, a Twelver Shia dynasty. However, by the late 900s, the Abbasid-Buyid regime lost control of their domains in Khorasan in the east, and Maghreb in the west. They became independent Iranic and Amazigh ruled dynasties. This marked the first time that Orthodox Sunni dynasties came to power, as opposed to the Arab dynasties who pursued heresies and deviations including Murjiah, Mutazilah, various forms of Shia'ism, Athari extremism, etc.

In other words, the destruction of Israel will merely coincide or follow up on the destruction of Arab states. The Arab regimes know this which is why they've been covertly and overtly getting close to Israel since the 1970s. They can prolong their political existence by making their fellow Arabs suffer through coups, wars and proxy wars, but their existence is only temporary. I give between 100 to 200 years for all these states to cease to exist as we know it, including Israel.

>I give between 100 to 200 years for all these states to cease to exist as we know it, including Israel.
i agree a 100% with your statement the state israel as we know it will be a relic of the past because it will be over shadowed by the glory of GREATER ISRAEL

Have they claimed that mosque yet? Third temple when

Image is too small, jew.

when the market is shifted toward asiancentrism and the west fall because of how fragile their society actually is.
you will no longer safe jew, it is actually already happening that is why israel really trying to build the diplomacy here.
also don't forget the shianiggers, as a sunni is kinda hard to say this, but they are one of the real deal.

also why your diplomats suck ass? everytime I heard about israel trying to build the diplomacy here is always backing up by money, it just make you guys looks like a how we imagine your kind to be, a rat goblin with no pride.

your country is actually still have a lot to learn about public relations, it is a mess.

So when was Pissrael founded?

why can't jewish shills be more comnvincing?
>same old pictures
>same phrases

3000 years ago Muhammad

For the sake of argument, let's assume that you are correct.
How long did it last?
Why didn't it last?
How long before it was founded again?

Jews are running shit while sandniggers blow themselves up and fuck camels. Dubai is all sandniggers have but Dubai's wealth is peanuts in comparison to Israels. when the oil runs out or the world goes electric sandniggers will be the worlds whores because all they will have is heroin

I hate inbred neanderthal pedo worshipping mudslimes way more than I hate jews

מה קורה אחי :3

What? There isnt evidence of a kingdom of Israel as per biblical account, and this is admitted even by Israeli archeologists.