Explain Welfare with vidya

Welfare happens when you've been level 100 for a while and there's nothing left the game that you haven't done. So you gift shit to lv 1 noobs to get clout as a dogooder.

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Life isnt a video game you insufferable memefag, anyone over the age of 20 who indulges in vidya is a loser.

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Life is a slightly more complicated game. You must go back.

except most of the shit you're giving the 'noobs' was forcibly taken from people still leveling up. and it's not really the noobs that are getting it, it's the griefers and TKers who refuse to play the game correctly.

I hate going on raids to safeway

kek, extremely true

>larping as a pseudo intellectual
Yea nah, you need a swift taste of reality then, I was once like you until I was homeless for 6 months and had to drag myself from the balls up to become my own man with god. You'll learn someday.

>You'll learn someday.
I'd hope that would never be reality for me. Sucks to be you!

Welfare happens when the state wants to avoid civil unrest or to decrease white birth from a heavier tax burden.

Every once in a while the incentive is to boost the domestic population like in Nazi Germany or modern Hungry.

kek, grand strategy gamer

Company giving away freebies to try to get you to play their pay-to-win trash.

Nah, I have a home, steady income and Street bike now and help at my church as much as possible, if you dont get right and stop being a sped itll happen to you too, I know some zoomers who got booted from they're homes for the same reasons. No one likes a freeloader/squatter.

God works wonders, anyone who says otherwise is dead ass wrong, used to be a larpagan but now I know it's all bullshit and there's a reason juden want to get rid of god.

Grow up glowie

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Welfare happens when you reach level 100 but there is a bunch of lvl 1 noobs that if you dont give them something they will destroy the nice things you built.

>y-y-youre a glownigger
Nah, grow the fuck up kid, 30 years on this planet, 20 on the internet and I've seen it all, get a real hobby.
This nigger gets it.

Hey if I get kicked out of my mom's I'd be homeless for months like you, and I'll become a Man™. And if I don't get kicked out, then I will live a comfy life. So why should I work my ass to change anything?

Feels good to be a leaf in the wind.

So I was 100% correct about you being a faggot NEET? damn my radar is spot on, you will get booted, you will be forced to become a man or have to face a ultimatum of work or dread in a gutter by your family, pro tip for when it happens go to the biggest church in your area, boomers love helping young people get up and start life.

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Not really, I do study a stem degree. But it's funny to see you larpers seethe. I've been an anxiety fag like your for way too long and I know your type. Always thinking about every way the future can turn, getting little to no sleep and generally being a hell for everyone around them who isn't like them. You have to learn to live the moment, retard.

>ayo bussin fr fr u bros gun make it to the raid at walmart on fridayyy. Make sure ye bring yo phones, +20 on hindsight dawg. Get the mtn dew for dat extra food buff yo, our mages be thirsty hoes.

Your jobs are all outsourced to isreal and poo in loo, or given to no brain niggers/women with no skill by kikes, also enjoy trying to get those 5 years needed for experience with tech companies while your at it. College is a scam. Also I do live in the moment, I dont fall for jewish tricks and learned how money works from a older fellow in my mens group at church, he even does my taxes for free. Enjoy that mountain of student debit you'll never pay off because you'll be too "busy" jacking off to porn and attempting to cope with 3d cartoons.

You'll remember these words while you try and play them today and it will all sink in.

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