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Can't believe Walsh transitioned too

This is such a shitty take. They made restrictions on new infrastructure unless it was “green energy”. So basically it sounds like we got lucky the green energy finally worked

Green energy works, of course it does. It makes no sense to oppose it ideologically. The problem with green energy is that it doesn't work consistently too, which is why energy production needs to be diversified. The green extremists aren't bad because they want renewable energy, they are bad because they oppose other forms of energy production on ideological grounds.

its called renewable because you have to renew it every 25 yrs

Thank god for coal.

they subsidized green energy and shutdown coal plants that produced more power.
had we just kept our coal plants running, we'd have a surplus and that goes for every state in america.

green energy when they sit in a landfill for 5000 years

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Remember 2 winters ago when all the solar panels in Texas got snowed on and the entire catalog was stuffed with your threads on how it's Greg Abbott's fault they lost power? Just wondering.

He asked the wrong question so they answered it for him.

just dump in in the ground for someone else to dig up 5000 years from now
"green energy"

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Can someone post the stats about how horrific green energy is for environmebt?

Ok? That's great news.

those windmills froze up 2 years ago and 20+ people died from "
green energy"

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Source: trust me bro.

Yes it's similar to people telling me the economy must be doing good. Because people are out and restaurants are busy. Yeah when you lock people down for a year they want to be out. Lots of jobs available too. Yeah low paying shit jobs that no one can support a family on. It's one thing to be a wef dick suck and preach hard times during the "transition". It's another to celebrate the assholes who caused the wound in the first place, just for putting a band aid on it.

Nope. The average attention span of the American can only be measured in nano-seconds.

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This. Unless you have an abundance of geographical and natural features within your own country that allow you to rely mostly on a single type of energy, you should always keep your energetic matrix diversified, and it's bizarre how people just accept governments opposing this very basic concept, especially in places that are dependent on so many outside factors for energy, like Europe.

It's a almost assuredly not.
It can't be overstated how awful those wind turbines are for efficiency, they run an energy deficit from the time they're made, almost to the time they're retired after 25 years.
They have so much down time it's incredible anyone can look at yoi with a straight face and say they're helping.
Then you have the land footprint, these turbines take up shitloads of land, they're a fucking eyesore. They kill birds and nothing lives on the tracts of land the turbines are on.

Solar energy has the same fucking issues.

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that was trump's fault dumbass.

It's not like they're poisoning the soil or anything.
I'd focus more on what goes into producing solar panels and lithium batteries.

Omg imagine having a robust power grid with multiple sources of power generation. :O

Recycle them and don't make crazy designs that can't be recycled.

Aluminum is very bad for soil tho. So is plastic.

Green energy is a fucking scam that takes up huge tracts of land for relatively little energy output.
The solar panels and wind turbines require gigantic amounts of energy to mamufacture, so the individual units run a deficit for almost their entire useable life.
You sound like the people who look at electric cars and never think about those lithium batteries and what it took to mine the metals, manufactures the batteries, and then what you'll do with is when the battery dies.

It’d be a shame if climate change ended wind and solar

It’s also more expensive doesn’t work and kills people.

They cant be recycled. Too much non reusable metal and plastic in them. Can only landfill them, unfortunately. Very clean.


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This. Nuclear energy has to be a part of the portfolio. It's retarded we've shut down more plants in the last few years.

>laugh at Texas when wind energy fails due to extreme cold
>take credit when wind energy works

I hate kikes so much

The problem isn't consistency, the problem is storage capability.

>Force all "non-green" energy production to close
>"Green" energy just barely maintains the grid

Then add the people that died.
But redditors are now a plague here too.
I miss 2016 Any Forums.

wind and solar will never produce enough electricity to make up for the energy spent producing and maintaining them.

Build nuclear power plants

Here's the actual numbers.
Everyone above this post is retarded for arguing without any data.

Attached: EIA Power usage.jpg (1074x1148, 620.1K)

2021 was Biden you stupid fuck

and if the wind died resulting in rolling blackouts, they'd blame republicans or white supremacists

brand new wind turbines bursting into flames.
imagine if a hydroelectric dam just spontaneously exploded.

Attached: Turbine-Fire-1.jpg (1920x1080, 88.21K)

sure, tell that to all the ground dwelling animals that can't dig a hole there to live now.

All wind turbines are just extra money for defense contractors

Anything else is a lie

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that'd be nice

not to mention they're entirely unrecyclable, so they just get carted off and hucked in a landfill after they're decommissioned

salty piece of shit, there's like a dozen firms working on recycling the blades
kys shit

What the fuck happened to coal?

Like who?

Stay mad jew, nuclear is the only way forward
Turbines are gay and kill birds

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I pass windmills on my way to and from work every day and most of the time only half of them are actually spinning. The only reason anything needs to be "bailed out" is because for some reason (I imagine jew profitability) we're running right up against the limit all the time so power failing is almost always happening. They could build more of other kinds of plants. Nuclear for instance, that would be more reliable and also take up way less space than dozens of square miles of giant wind turbines.

Though of course it's not true if is anything to go by.

But didn't all the texans nearly freeze in the winter because their green energy sources couldn't keep up with the increased demand?
So green energy 'saves' them during the low-demand season, but fails to deliver during the high-demand season...
Sounds to me like it's the shittier option

They put it up
Do you think it doesn't count as their own effort for some reason?
Commies have no brain

Jews that dont live in texas arbitrarily made restrictions on fossil fuel producers , they couldnt produce more until it hit a certain threshold of fuckery

Someone should do a study on the net carbon emissions from building and transporting windmill parts compared to how much the windmill itself offsets. For years I've seen giant trucks transporting these blades (only one blade per truck) to wherever they're setting them up. Green energy is a scam and just pushing all the bad global warming causing stuff behind a curtain so the goyim can't see it (or can more easily ignore it).