What will it take to end this forced EV nightmare?

What will it take to end this forced EV nightmare?

Attached: EV mining.jpg (532x473, 100.25K)

And you get a nice jacuzzi for your mom



Nobody cares. Earth is kill and the retards who chose the climate as their hill to die on have been gaslit into thinking everything will gey better as long as they live in a windmill so it won't matter that China/India are turnung the oceans into battery acid and trash soup

how much energy does it mine 250 tons material?
and move it around the world?

Ye except Cobalt is often a byproduct of mining Nickel and Copper...

/pol knows this and even the normies habe to accept it at one point. If you truly value the planets ecology you have to nuke China, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.


Events, Trends, and Issues: Congo (Kinshasa) continued to be the world’s leading source of mined cobalt,
supplying approximately 70% of world cobalt mine production. With the exception of production in Morocco and
artisanally mined cobalt in Congo (Kinshasa), most cobalt is mined as a byproduct of copper or nickel. China was the
world’s leading producer of refined cobalt, most of which it produced from partially refined cobalt imported from Congo
(Kinshasa). China was the world’s leading consumer of cobalt, with more than 80% of its consumption being used by
the rechargeable battery industry

China collapse would end this nightmare.
People call me a conspiritard cause global warming is a scam and then laugh at me when i say i do care about the earth and the damage lithium ion produces.

Its a beautiful thing

Attached: 8683714-3x2-940x627.jpg (940x627, 142.46K)

Also that adds up to 85000pounds not 500000

damn why did they hole me though

So what's to stop us from filling these up with compost once we're done and then growing shit on top of it? Is there a reason that this wouldn't work?


Only an IQ above 80. Nature will make that hole a picturesque holiday spot 30 years after the mine closes.

Do you have a source on that? Yes that is what I thought.

There is some toxic elements that seep out from the soil. But you could plants some plants that absorb these elements let them grow for 2 decades or so to clean everything up and then just give it back to nature by turning it into a lake or just letting it get overgrown in due time.

Right. But why is it a dumb idea to do that exactly?
>t. I'm retarded

all the heavy metals and toxic minerals left behind

the holes should be turned into giant greenhouses
glass roof cover with a forest growing inside

Ok, cheers. If you put enough in there, would it dilute these chemicals to a level that they aren't an issue?

Why spend effort and thus money to fill it up when you don't have to do anything just let nature reclaim it.

Not as long as you might think... just gotta reduce the carbon, but one good die off should do it.

My alternate idea is to pump slurry from desalination plants there

Reclaim it in a way where it has a use instead of it being just a big hole full of trees now

Green energy is a scam to enrich politicians and the well connected

>What will it take to end this forced EV nightmare?
Killing of corrupt politican, straight up fucking shooting them in the head so they can't push through any of the gay recommendations their gay pals in thinktanks are giving to them.
A good old killing of the current rulers and elite, just absolutely gutting them and all of the generational wealth they''ve accumulated. Preferably destroying as much of them situated at the top as possible, even better if they happen to be reptiles.

There are certain plants that absorb harmfull elements or even chemicals at pretty high rates, depends on what type of plant. You let those plants grow, then harvest them and repeat again untill it's back to natural levels. It's a very cost effective yet time consuming way of removing toxins from a soil. But there really isn't a hurry there.

Stopped reading at reptiles

They're heavy metals, they don't dilute or break down.

It's not that much. 70 cubic meters is the size of a ing room. (ca. 15 x 12 x 11 ft). I think the figures from the tweet might actually be too low, but the figures don't mean to think what OP thinks they do.

If you turn it into a lake it could be used for farming fish or let it become a camping site, high value land for people who want a house next to water or just simply give it back to nature.

And where do you dump all the mildly radioactive plants full of heavy metals?

would a tsunami be triggered if the ocean suddenly broke through into that mine? That's the kind of stuff my autism forced me to do in minecraft with TNT.