Why did they replace black pieces with green ones. Is it because chess is racist?

Why did they replace black pieces with green ones. Is it because chess is racist?

Attached: green.jpg (2260x1496, 539.55K)

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Color blindness


To take blacks from having a slight disadvantage of winning, to a zero chance of winning.

Attached: 1654112582575.gif (328x526, 1.01M)

she qt


Because all these hot white chicks playing chess recently always chose the black team and chess nerds were seething.

The black pieces were too loud

What are you implying? That people who are colorblind can't distinguish white from black?

Why tf is there a woman playing chess?

Yup, and black people don't know how to play chess anyway..
They only learn if they're in prison because that's literally the only one of the three things you can do in prison.
If a black person doesn't go to prison they just watch the BET channel all day..

Stupid pet tricks

Its because nigger lives dont matter

to make you dilate and seethe, western idiot. I bet you would like to play with your boyfriend, like all you westerners do, faggot.

Not as easy as white vs green. It just makes things easier, especially in bad lighting

>graphic still has black pieces

Fucking retards can't even fully commit to their retardation.

>especially in bad lighting
A dreaded problem in tournaments


Didn’t they get rid of the white goes first rule a while ago for the same reason?

Where? All i see is green

Red-Green colorblindness is the most common form of color blindness.
So changing the color to green is the worst thing you could do.

Its a chess hustler on the street you absolute fucking retard

Blacks not worthy enough of being associated with chess

all the black pieces are in prison

So niggers would stop hanging out and trying to sell weed

No they just got tired of blacks too.

Attached: 1636065680473.jpg (922x1080, 640.69K)

Because all the niggers of society are now vaxxed with toxic waste.