How your view of USA changed seeing it IRL

I always thought that american soldiers are big roided guys who are probably all 2m tall on TV screen.

They sent them here now and I can see IRL that whites and niggers from USA are fucking manlets it's unreal. Not to mention Hindu guys lol. These fucks can fit under my legs and wouldn't even lift my dick.

Literally even polish teen girls are much bigger and muscular than average american marines.

Now imagine it is their fittest and the best physically who go to the army and you see american society as a whole.

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Post body

Also their skin is soft as fuck compared to polack guys even zoomers.

It's like their skin is womanish. Whites look different than polack whites. Like drones or something. Not human.

How do you know that?

stop talking shit about emma and her two moms right now or else Ill pull out my voodoo doll you fucking bigot

I see them IRL now, not in TV.

I never saw niggers before as well. Now I can see them closely.

Seems like I touched where it hurts. I am just puzzled scientifically. How did it happen? It's just cultural shock. Kinda like you see this actor Tom Cruise on TV and IRL.

>detailed depiction of skin feel
>just... just watched it

>american army
>their fittest and the best physically
I have something to tell you....

It's like Romans going to barbarian countries and being amazed of their height.

Nothing has changed.

we, the serbs, are the chosen people
strongest, smartest, most beautiful
too bad you're a kike propaganda slurping dumb piece of shit
i mean, you literally aren't even aware you're a serb, let alone anything else

They have this weird glowing soft thin skin like females. Blood is visible through it.

>Not human
Yea we evolved

Serbs and mountainnegroes or Croats would look like giants compared to mutts.

I am 190cm and they are like 168-170 for males average.

Topkek I always thought Euros were like cousins but then I went to Europe and it's 70°F in March and the euros are wearing down jackets while I'm in a t shirt and shorts and the euros are asking me if I'm a professional basketball player cause I'm 6'4" when I have the frame of an NFL offensive lineman and look nothing like a basketball player in America. Is 6'4" considered pro basketball height in Europe? Are Euros manlets?

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Dunno about their military but while I knew Americans were fat, I had no idea HOW fat they were until I visited. Obesity rates really don't do it justice, because while a good 50% are obese, of the remaining 50% at least 45% are overweight. They aren't just fat though, they're also weird, lumpy, and potato shaped, they have weird fat-growths and badly distributed lard which just makes them look even more disgusting. Pretty easy to see why by just going down to any grocery store and trying to find basic shit like bread or rice without a massive list of added shit (often HFCS).

Oh and they're all on medication, at least 1, often upwards of 5. That doesn't really surprise me though considering some of the shit I saw, I'd be fucked up too living there all my life.

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is it only cornsyrup?

How the fuck you can't even buy normal bread?

>Yea we evolved
I wouldn't call turning into niggerloving cucks "evolving"

Also I forgot to mention they walk in military boots often lol.

Look at them. They look like russians.

Empires of cuck manlets are attacking Big Chads cossacks, hussars, nazis, vikings etc.

This happens since thousands of years.

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How many eurotrash faggots are buried on American soil?

I would fuck that female american soldier though.

Ms Rodriguez Americanado would be bleached and improved through hussariano genetico.

How many americucks tongue nigger anus daily?
All of them of course

No there's way more shit in it than just corn syrup, but it will stand out as being a constant. There's so much fucking syrup and other sweeteners in the basic white bread that it tastes like a cake (a nasty one), I'm not joking I couldn't eat it.

If you want normal bread and generally normal food you have to go to the very expensive specialized stores that slap a "Eco" sticker on a normal bag of fucking rice and quadruple its price. "Normal" food is cheap as fuck compared to Europe but it's pretty obvious why when you have to buy "European-style" butter to get actual butter (which, by the way, is 2x the price of "normal" "butter") and if you want to eat without poisoning yourself you'll actually be spending a lot more than over here due to how much they force you to pay for normal food.

Also their carrots and other veg are MASSIVE, like really fucking huge, which is all GMO shit of course (and usually taste of almost nothing). Again, if you want normal fruit and veg you gotta go to the hippie coop or whatever the fuck and pay 3x the price.

Only way I'd ever live in the US is as a farmer in the middle of bumfuck nowhere so I'd grow my own shit and stay the fuck away from the concrete/asphalt hellholes full of fatties, but I'm sure the federal government would send the ATF to shell my farm for not growing GMO corn syrup shit or something.

They're just kids, FFS.

>Whites look different than polack whites. Like drones or something. Not human.
I've noticed this as well, both while visiting America and when seeing American tourists visiting my hometown. Americans and Europeans do not look the same, there's something off about Americans but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Jesus Christ fuck. They live in hellhole. This is what jews want for all of us.

Even Swiss notice this? Yeah, they look unnatural like some artificial food compared to normal food.

over 200 years of race mixing and living in diffrent climate than our european home causes irreversible changes to the DNA of a race, im sure if you test your average mutt, iven non-mixed one, he will already have enough big diffrences compared to brits to legaly recognize him as diffrent ethic group