There is no “white supremacy”. There is only Germanic supremacy

There is no “white supremacy”. There is only Germanic supremacy.

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The Anglo-Saxons and Norse were both undisputedly Germanic

yea, germanic supremacy to have your daughters and sons be raped and killed by trannies, nigs and muslims


Even Germanic supremacy is too broad. The Dutch are greedy jews too obsessed with money to accomplish anything great. The other various continental germanic tribes are too brutish and autistic to accomplish anything other than perpetual warfare. It is only the noble Anglo-Saxon who was able to truly build something great. We forged the greatest Empire the world will ever see, enabled man's complete dominance over nature and brought the light of civilization to the four corners of the Earth.

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yea forgive me for not taking you at your word you fuckin faggot. The ony thing germans are good at is being depressive autistic cunts with kike levels of greed.

The average Spaniard lives 10x times better than the average Dutchoid, the food alone is leagues apart.

It's true.

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Girl on the right is built for big blonde germanic cock

>mentioning food as some sort of positive
brown hands typed this

This is what Dutch wagies have for lunch:

Imagine unemployment rate in NL to be like in Spain. 30% of population would sucide

And look at how Brits start the day.

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Unable to cope with his peoples lack of any significant accomplishment, the medshit will respond with muh food as he attempts to divert the conversation away from his culture's failings.

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Probably, a Spaniard will just chill at his parents house. A Dutchoid will tie a noose.

As if the average Brit does that instead of some shitty Weetabix horse feed

>And look at how Brits start the day.
used to, now we steal rice and tinned fish from super markets to be able to eat


>No spices
>No hospitality
>No diversity
>Hate speech is protected
>Picks white refugees over anyone else
Yeah, so developed...

that unironically looks wholesome and delicious and i just started the zyzz diet

Ha we beat Austria

You probably do that better than everyone else, too.

There’s only geographic supremacy.