FED meeting tomorrow bros

FED meeting tomorrow bros.
Place your bets folks. No matter how I look at it, it looks like the economy is literally going to collapse tomorrow.

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Care to elaborate?

nope you are a gay nigger

lol you think they're going to let it collapse when the money printer is still working?

Globally markets are collapsing. Hope you bought your canned beans and toilet paper. If not you can probably still get them for double price. A steal, because money ain't gonna be worth shit.

yeah, i have 50 trillion silver and a billion sardines, cope fag

digits say a total systemic collapse, nogs rioting in the streets, rooftop koreans 2.0, billybob and pals taking down the electrical grid, EVERYTHING

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>Care to elaborate?

FED meets tomorrow. They raise or lower interest rates in the economy.

Raising rates = slowdown the economy to prevent inflation. The problem is that it fucks mortgages and all loans are more expensive (so no more business investment)
Lowering rates = expand the economy to fight recession. Basically free money. The problem is it creates inflation because there are too many loans.

CPI numbers that came out on Friday showed 8.6% inflation (so it's probably higher). So the Fed is forced to raise rates. But the markets have been tanking these past few days because free money is stopping (ie higher interest rates are likely). Also mortgagefags will get fucked if interest rates go up.

On the other hand, the economy is slowing down (ie entering a recession). So lowering rates is also on the table to stimulate the economy. But that will lead to hyperinflation.

The question is by how much they raise rates.

They will discuss about the aliens at area 51 and whether to release them into the public.

to long therefore i would not bother reading, perhaps take some classes to be more tearse

>The question is by how much they raise rates.
They've put literally everything into restarting the economy through lowered rates. Do you really think they'll back down now, when they literally never back down from anything?

i'm explaining some pretty complicated mechamisms here, dumbfuck. i tried simplifying it as much as possible.

didn't they meet not that long ago?

like i said, a class may teach you to communicate better

they cant raise them enough to stop inflation.
It's so funny
All the overleveraged retards thought they were getting free houses and now they are going to be faced with 15-30% interest rates if they actually want to kill inflation HAHAHA.
And no, the gay CPI is not an actual measure of inflation

8.6% CPI number is a pretty big deal though.

enlighten me on how i could improve, oh illustrious communication expert

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>And no, the gay CPI is not an actual measure of inflation

yeah i know. it's probably double or triple that.

dont be such a self righteous prick for one

>Hope you bought your canned beans and toilet paper.

beans are carbs bro. canned fish is better. also, fuck TP, i just wash my ass.

>it looks like the economy is literally going to collapse tomorrow.
why do you say that?

beenz are also fiber and some protein, geting tired of you


see you know you can fuck off back to plebbit any time you want right?

I own a gun in a nation of nogun fags. I have an endless supply of whatever I want in a collapse scenario.

Collapse is dramatic, but this is the beginning of the end

what the hell is that supposed to mean ted cruz?

>I want to participate in macroeconomic discussion, but I don’t understand basic underlying principals. I’ll just insult anyone who speaks above my level of understanding to try and drag the discussion down to a level I can understand.

we fed the troll

>doesn't know what's plebbit

kek econ 101 fags pretending they are the Fed

>it looks like the economy is literally going to collapse tomorrow.
That's the plan, OP.
The parasitic ruling class can't "Build Back Better" unless they destroy everything first.
America's debt-based economy is a ponzi scheme.
Not even the sneakiest of jewish tricks can keep it afloat for much longer.

Attached: Own nothing, not so happy.webm (600x316, 1.24M)

Based Muhammad

Try having an attention-span that's longer than 2 seconds.

you literally haven't contributed anything to the discussion other than farting something about my "communication being bad"

please enlighten us on your amazing knowledge of the Fed.

protip: you're deluded if you think it's more complicated than the analysis I've shown here

its late and im drunk virgins find another scapegoat