
my girlfriend is kind of a fake christian but i want kids and to marry. to do this and provide my kids a good life would require ludicrous effort and risk for the rest of my life. alternatively i can continue third world neeting and enjoy a leisurely life. shes like 35% based and the rest is shitlib. what do

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Marry her you fucking loser. Who gives a shit who's a "fake Christian?" All Christianity is fake larping anyway.


What the fuck? You are a faggot. You need to write this letter to Ann Landers and then when they publish her answer in Ladies Home Journal, you need to roll that up and stimulate your pituitary gland with it.

She doesn't deserve you, clearly a god fearing man with a good moral compass.

How is she a fake christian?

If you are a strong man and a good leader than she will follow. A d it is your responsibility to lead her spiritually also.

I know plenty of girls who were raised in church but they weren't sincere Christians, it was more out of habit/social stigma. Test the waters with questions about divorce (since she's a woman you can use something like the Amber Heard trial). Marriage can be a great thing but you're right that you shouldn't roll the dice on it, make sure she's serious about commitment and trusting you to be the head of the family and you can lead her and your kids down the right path.

she’s just very secular minded, has a very secular shitlib vaxx current thing family, and gay druggie degen consoomer friends. ie the people she chooses are not people i’d want in a community my kids were apart of. she’s much younger than me. took her virginity, she’s only been with me and another person who died, kek. 4 years of on off chaos. essentially she wants the trad life, but is pretty resistant to giving up the non trad shit. i’ve been pretty patient about it, but with the economy shitting i need to ratchet up the provider role x100, and its a hard sell for me basically unless she wants to ratchet up the trad role by x100. we talk about it but, since she’s a woman, logic is kind of hard to use in conversation.

forgot to add shes not vaxxed and is redpilled on jews, race, glowniggers etc

What warning signs? You wrote 2 sentences and the only thing you said is "fake Christian." Wtf does that even mean? She doesn't want to waste time on Sunday sitting in a church pew and would rather sleep in like a normal person? She doesn't give a fuck to sit down and study the Bible together and pretend like it has any relevance to her life, like a normal person? She wants to touch your virgin micropenis before marriage like a normal young adult in a healthy relationship with a normal sex life? What are all the red flag warning signs jumping out at you?

once again fuck you nigger and the baseless assumptions you’re making about me in lieu of me providing you further details under duress

99% chance you're a groyper. The only bad thing is the vax stuff, but that's her family not her and you should be able to be the stronger influence on her. Tell her how you want things to be directly.

fuck your advice nigger, not a groyper even remotely.

the vast majority of the people that think they're Christians are actually not saved because they believe in false gospels (usually some kind of work salvation). on a statistical level, there is a very good chance that she isn't saved.

get saved anons. watch this gospel video, believe the gospel and get saved, and spread this video to other lost sinners so they can have the chance to be saved and go to heaven as well.

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Marry her and have 15 children

make her read and agree with pic rel

once she can articulate the whole message back to you, with out notes. then its time to empregnate.

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>Worshiping the jewish demon Yahweh is red pilled
Yes, you should. You are the perfect slave morality. Good goyim!

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Premarital sex is a sin.
Anal also counts, you're still believing a lie made-up by a horny priest.
Well given you're Christian you're used to believing lies.

the trick is getting her to realise everythng except marriage to you under God, is satan. and to hate all the evil.

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I would say if she is okay with 1 Timothy chapter 2. You are fine, it means she is obedient. But that might also be a good way to test her and see if she is really a bible believing christian.

1 Timothy 2, verses 9-15

9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.