Trump is now a censored word

>Trump is now a censored word

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These are the people who believe they're on the right side of history, btw

They are, since history is written by the victors.

They stole your vote and you didn't do anything about it.

Blumpf did steal 250 million from boomers though. But keep sucking his dick bro. I’m sure he spent all that 250 million on those three schizophrenic lawyers and a bunch of memesuits with no substance.

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Well, thanks for correcting the record, Colbert Defense Force

They "censor" it to make it harder for other people to quantify their endless obsession with him

damn we only c*nsored one letter for the lols
they gave him just a T

He released a statement showing how the money was spent with receipts. You are going to get fired from your shill farm for low effort shit like that.

America will soon be ruled by someone so far right that these shit eating boomers would wish that Trump was still president.

What is it with this retarded c*nsoring? Do lefties think words have some magic properties?

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Colbert has been doing that for a while now. It's literal Harry Potter "He Who Must Not Be Named" type shit.

>the cbs eye looking right back at you

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Yeah I mean if the websites are going to start loosening up on the dystopian censorship in response to the very real possibility they get turned into public utilities, how else are you gonna mess with the search engine?

I've done some seriously embarrassing shit in my day. But I would not be able to live with myself if I put that out into the world

I would love if he gets executed joker style some day on live tv.

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Maybe Indians aren't so bad after all
You're alright

It seems very similar to how Jews write God... What are the implications?