Toll Paid

Midwestern pregnant girl gets culturally enriched via beheading by her baby daddy. Who ever could have seen this coming?

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Sad that a BLACK man has to resort to this

you think if we lock all the white women in prison would they learn their lesson?

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Terrible, but play on the train tracks and you'll eventually get ran over. One less coal burner and niglet.

Did that white bitch fuck up his kool aid fried chicken ?

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No one fucking cares. Toil paid etc. Another no one in a trillion nigger fucking no ones. My captcha was more valuable than her life literally.

No just kill all nigger, kike, and all other shitskin women, whites will be fine after that

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It's weird a lot of these guys kill their pregnant girlfriends. It's not like they'd pay child support anyway.
Natural selection.

Don’t care. Get a rope, tranny.

all I see is two birds killed with one stone
1 nigger locked away for life
1 nigger mutt prevented from being born
USA wins this round

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This is what equal choice looks like. I think it should be illegal for either the man or woman to commit an abortion like this. Not just illegal for the man.

Masallah based. Inshallah tier.

how is this my problem again?

Fuck them both. The bitch was the neighborhood slut it seems too.


lol that would be so funny if they all started having lesbian sex and we had a stream of the security cams hahahaha rofl

holy shit, just look at this specimen! she must have been either retarded or really, really hate her parents.

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Based and truthpilled.
I see this as a net win for society.

TL;DR for any of you.

In the year 2022 of our lord, where White angels have flown to the Moon, we have the destruction of the nuclear family because it's more "profitable." Thus, our blighted, truly blighted society, led to this subhuman being treated as a person. Not to mention the men in this dumb woman's life not being allowed to domineer her into not getting her head cut off.

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