Fuel costs in your cunt

In my cunt it is disastrous. Everything is. People do nothing. Bye.

Attached: FVJhFY7XEAAX2vo.jpg (716x900, 165.37K)

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Based hungary

Just buy a Tesla it's not that hard...

Should've become Russia instead of joining the Germanics, retard

It’s ok, Poland rich and can afford it

oo..o o.. okaaay

>Should've become Russia instead of joining the Germanics, retard
ah, but how could they take part of their "historic lands" from Ukraine that way?

Back to your NATO shill threads, shill.

It's the price of freedom as our politicians would say.

What the fuck?

This is a common name for Germany in Slavic languages. It comes from the adjective "niemy", which means "mute" - because the language is very different which makes it hard to communicate.
From the ancient tribe of Volcae.

When I first heard about the war in late February, I immediately knew that, no matter what happens, SOMEHOW our government will find a way to fuck things up. Let's just say I wasn't disappointed.

>From the ancient tribe of Volcae.
>Poland keeping political names for as long as possible
kinda based ngl
I wanna Poland to be called Lechistan

I think it's worth it

>nooooo someone disagreed with me!!
>better call him shill!
why are Any Forumstards like this

>nord countries that high
Don't they use renewable energy for everything, and have electric vehicles and bikes as their main methods of transport?

>I wanna Poland to be called Lechistan
I think it's called that in Turkish

Don't know if sarcasm or normal for an australian.

that chart isn't right, our fuel went up from 1.6$ for liter to 2$ now, and we have 60% taxes on it

Our dumb government recently fucked up our relationship with Argelia, our provider of gas. Some months ago we had a truckers strike because of the high prices. The strike was unsupported and even condemned by the labor unions, which are pawns of the government, and was finally appeased with a 20 cents. bonus. Now this is going to be fun.

Attached: 1654322542537m.jpg (724x1024, 111.95K)

>that chart isn't right
when theres no source or source is "commission of pulling things out of ass" instead of link ending in .pdf you just know that it's 50:50 chance of being bullshit

>kosovo part of Serbia

You Poles are alright.

Attached: a18.jpg (600x537, 27.85K)

why is italy called vlach ?
