Spain past its Muslim period failed to produce any relevant philosophers, mathematicians, scientist...

Spain past its Muslim period failed to produce any relevant philosophers, mathematicians, scientist, artist and physician. Its only accomplishment is the cowardly genocide of the native Americans, the persecutions of Jews and Muslims and the enslavement of many native Africans, Americans and Asians. And there are still people out there to argue that the Reconquista was a positive thing?

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>arabic numerals

1 spanish woman caused the downfall of Napoleon, recognized by himself.

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What a garbage post. Learn to write, Jew. You’re all over the map — literally and metaphorically — and fail to make a argument.

Your algerian whore mother failed to produce any non-inbred offspring

Let's assume you're right and they haven't produced any relevant cultural products.
>persecutions of Jews and Muslims and the enslavement of many native Africans
How is this a bad thing?

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The only mistake they made was not cleaning out north Africa as well

Many sand coons died or were expelled. Sounds good to me.

Is that Agustina de Aragón?

To moor OP: you will always seethe. Also if you like so much muslims why are you living in France? Retard. We made the spanish empire just after expelling you. And you were expelled because thats our fatherland,not yours moor.
Islam """,goldeb age""" its just moors finding greek boocks at Lebano libraries.
You triumphed at north África and now its not anymore roman, now people can wear granny dresses and be poor. So why dont you go back there?

Come on mods, just ban the faggot already instead of jerking off on Discord.

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No, that's Juana Galan, the woman that started the fight against Napoleon.Agustina joined afterwards.

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Pues resulta que he ido a comprar el pan a un moro de estos guays que me cobran 50 centimos por la barra de pan sus cojones ahi y entonces entro y le digo ey que pasa como va alqaeda bien?como va la financiada jajajaaj como onions bromista pues pa reirme y eso porque siempre se lo decia al moro de mi barrio pues coje este moro que era nuevo y me dice asalam juaralam massan o algo asi raro y le digo yo abracadabra abracadabra mesaguaope mechami its cheaaaaaa asi con el tono del cd makina total o los antiguos lo recodais como lo mas duro ajjajaa sa quedao flipando el moro y mañana ire otra vez asi con mi humor gracioso porque tenemos que reinrnos de algo si no te rayas en casa y sin hacer na jajjajajajaja

Fags have always been like this. All bark and no bite.

my dad's grandfather was from logroño and he spoke exactly like you,

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Everyday the same morrocan

Jeje si le acuerdo si. Joder esa música marcó mi adolescencia. Esa y Extremoduro.
Cuando ponian está en Chocolate, había euforia para todos:

*Era de unos 7' el corte de discoteca pero no lo encuentro ya por youtube

book myth of al-andalus debunks this paradise

Dali was from Spain and he’s one of the greatest artists in history. Goya as well. Picasso had some good stuff too. I’m sure you’ll dismiss all of this, but it’s odd to say Spain does not produce good artists when it has some of the most famous artists ever to live. Their fame was well earned imo.

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laws to govern by, according to the political ideology that is islam:

on marriage and sex:
>you can have sex with 9 year olds (they are considered adult women)
- bukhari 62:64 [sahih]
- quran 65:4
>you can have poliamorous relationships (4 wives)
- quran 4:3
>you can have prostitution (muttah). even with married women, so long as "your right hand posseses them"
- quran 4:24
- hadith cannot abrogate quran
>"marriage" is, legally speaking, a transaction, and a women cannot marry on her own, she has to be sold into it (by a muslim man). christian women can be married to muslim man, but muslim women cannot be married to christian men.
>you wife is to breastfeed adult men
- sahih muslim 17:33 [sahih]
- sahih muslim 17:36 [sahih]
- ibn majah 9:1944 [hasan: good]
>you can marry the former wife of your adopted son, beacuse islamic law doesn't allow adoptions anyway
>a woman cannot refuse to be fucked by her husband, if she does, the angels will curse her for the whole night
- bukhari 59:48
>wives can be beaten
- quran 4:34
- al bukhari 5825
>female votes are worth half that of a man, because they're stupid
- quran 2:282

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laws to govern by, according to the political ideology that is islam:

special laws, only for muhammad:
>muhammad can fuck any woman
- quran 33:50-51
- (sahih)
>you have to pay muhammad if you want to talk to him
- quran 58:12
>you have to pay muhammad one fifth of the booty, and the best of the booty
>he who obeys muhammad is obeying allah
- quran 4:80
>don't try talking to muhammad. and don't marry his widowed wives
- quran 33:53
>kill anyone who sladers muhammad
- abi dawud 4361 (sahih)

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laws to govern by, according to the political ideology that is islam:

about daily life:
>you can lie to people
>you can break your promises
- quran 8:51
>you have to wipe your ass with 3 rocks
- sahih muslim 2:505
- sunan abu dawud 1:7
>dogs are to be killed. every day you keep a pet dog you are committing a sin. angels cannot enter inside a house that has a dog in it
>amputate the hands of thiefs
- quran 5:38
>not allowed to go to mosque if you've eaten garlic
- bukhari 70:80
>not allowed to celebrate birthdays
>not allowed to listen to music
>you're not allowed to settle space

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Todos los cerdos españoles vais a morir mañana en el oui go de madrid a delicias todo por no profesar la única y verdadera ley,la del islam. Ala es grande.

laws to govern by, according to the political ideology that is islam:

relating to food:
>not allowed to eat pork (tho rabbit and camel are allowed for some unknown reason)
- quran 5:3
>not allowed to drink alcohol (tho smoking is fine for some unknown reason)
- quran 2:219
- quran 5:90
>any living being you eat has to be bled to death
>water is always pure, no matter how much trash is in it

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laws to govern by, according to the political ideology that is islam:

relating to war:
>terrorize, as allah is a terrorist
- quran 8:12
>fight everyone until they proclaim that allah is god
- bukhari 8:44
>make war on all non-muslims
- quran 2:190
- quran 2:216
- quran 3:118-119
- quran 3:156
- quran 4:103
- quran 5:51
- quran 8:36
- quran 9:29
- quran 9:37
- quran 9:121
- quran 9:12
>kill those who pretend to be muslim
- quran 9:73-74
>do not take non-muslims as your protectors / friends / allies
- quran 4:89
- quran 5:51
- quran 9:23
- quran 3:118
>kill little boys when you are afraid they will leave islam
- quran 18:74-80
>kill anyone who leaves islam
>wage jihad against mickey mouse
>you should put all non-muslims in chains
bukhari 65:79
>blowing yourself up is best thing in life
- bukhari 52:54

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Proof that Moors are superior genetically to Meds. I think the meds browned North Africans and not the other way around.

news and data:

>life under ISIS leads 'muslims' to christianity

>professor kafir

>further info here

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Speak English

Que dices hijo de la gran puta? Prueba que eres un moro asqueroso, timestamp with towelhead

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pero que es esto ajajajajajaj

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He is threating spanish for "not following the prophet",saying tomorrow people will die as if a bomb.

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Killing invading moors is always a positive thing.

Please, go back to Algiers and stay there nigger.

a callar machu pichu

Bestialidad máxima. Eso lo ponían en Chocolate allá las 6-7 d la mañana cuando se acercaba la hora del cierre. Y nos volvíamos locos jaja

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>i'll implement some of these laws but not others
accept in full submission or you have no faith
>"But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission."
- quran 4:65

there is no "in the past there were no"
muhammad is "the best example for all mankind"
>“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example to follow for him who hopes in Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.”
- quran 33:21

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>muslim period
>producing anything in the realm of philosophy, math, science, art or medicine
Forcing conversion under penalty of death and brownwashing discoveries doesn't constitute producing any of those things dummy

A ver, vamos por partes: primero, te explicas bien, seguramente seas el jodidamente puto amo de la lengua española, seguramente al salir de tu casa todos los filólogos que te encuentres te chuparán la polla, que debe oscilar los 34 cm y medio. Sin embargo, he de decirte que esos 34 cm y medio no tienen puta comparación con lo que me sudan los cojones ahora mismo. Eres un grande, un puto redactor, Jorge Javier Vázquez estaría orgulloso de comparar su libro con tu post, hijo de mil putas, eres enorme, sigue así, pero tampoco te emociones, tú poco a poco, que no digan por ahí que vas de sobrao, tú postea y que la gente hable, ya lo decía Don Quijote ‘’decir lo que queráis que a mi me suda la polla’’, pues eso. Tú a tu rollo, y si te dicen que tu post es una mierda, ni puto caso.

Todos vosotros estais cagados ahora. El tiempo se acaba y todas vuestras visceras se van a esparcir por el oui go solo por negar al único dios. Ala. Arrepentios ya.

Yo no se q cojones es el oui go que no va vivo en Madrid y no onions policia pero ojo que al menos le echen un ojo a lo que dice el mierda este.


>References to Quran Ayat which Allah says do not make friends from Christians and Jews on it
>Shows Muslim Imam with a Jewish Rabbi who goes against that Quran Ayat
Gavur pig self contradiction

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Noooooo la policia no mi cuate, ellos son unos cabrones. Piedad señor gallego Viola indians mejicanas.

Yo diría que si es ella la que se lanza a tu polla no es violación.

More likely that his family will be executed by the cartel because one of them looked at Pablo wrong
