Why do leftists come here?

If we are such losers? You should be out partying with your friends. Not wasting your time with us.

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Right-wing delusions are mildly entertaining

Its funny watching you lose.

retarded losers are kind of entertaining to watch, plus there are dick rate threads on /b, so I read /pol while waiting for a dick rate thread to show up on /b, such is the level of my intellectual ambitions these days

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is that Ben "The One Man Klan" Garrison?
AKA "The Anglo Saxton Purity Klaxton"?
AKA Ben "Dont care how, race war now" Garrison?

Now you know how we feel

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I sleep 2-4 hours a night so lots of free time. And I'm a politically active person on the left so opposing you people is a part of what I do with my free time. Why does that make you seethe? You wanna spread your propaganda and lies unopposed in here, you angry autistic tard?

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They get paid to get the fence sitters to stay sheeple. Not to question like you do user, you are a pain in the ass, leftists are their slaves.

Hmmm. Could have sworn we were dead to you.


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>Its funny watching you lose.

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Keep laughing. Your corpse will look better with a smile, ribbon candy.

To play with my schizophrenic play things

They don't. Nupol is just generally retarded and falls for all the bait.

>projecting this hard

I wish I could find them mildly entertaining. I don't anymore. I just find them horrifying now. I thought they were mildly entertaining when I started coming here because it didn't sink on me how serious and sociopathic these subhumans on this site are

t. antichrist


It's not my fault you fags can't stay away from children

Gotta understand the enemy.

Also very fun to watch schizos seethe on the daily.

They come here to be miserable, because they can't do that in their faggoty echo chambers, lmao.