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Posted for the hundredth time. It's as though you DON'T actually want them to leave biden alone. Why are you such a hypocritical faggot?

Fuck man, tell him to just go into the closest and "desk veto" everything that isn't over ridden and he would be a better POTUS.

Just read that article. The author blames everything on republicans.

>No Link, assuming article is true.

Biden: Over-Ruling Roe v. Wade will cause a 'mini revolution'

Biden, 2019 "There will be mass violence if we don't get Donald Trump outta office."

Hillary, 2016 "No one is closer to Putin than me."
>See Steele Dossier, there was a thread on 4ch that asked for help making up stories about Trump in 2016.

Joe Biden, 2019 "I walked up right up Putin and said: (you) have no soul, just like me."

>Burisma, Hunters Laptop, the targeting of FBI.

Wanna bet the DoJ gave Project Veritas the Diary knowing it was an excuse to raid them?

Then there is Seth Rich, the coverups of Ed Buck (and Adam Schiff) serial killing gay black mean in 'Frisco. No State sanctioned BLM\Antifa domestic terrorism there. Obama was part of the coverup to, but BLM only when it can benefit the DNC.

2018 Democrats Stormed the Capitol as well, but there has been no fake outrage, and false tweets, and Mark Milley working with China to help cover up a Cyber Attack and provide false media coverage.

> Jan 6th Hearings are rife with hypocrisy, how can they expect any laws to followed when they have committed those crimes and worse. Edited footage that is being labeled as evidence, missing evidence. The panel is critical of Trump and has written several unethical and immoral tweets about their disdain while he was President and even afterwards.

There is 0 expectation that any of the Hearing can produce anything of value, seeing as how it corrupts everything it touches? The Progressives have no right to authority because they have no respect of the law, or an ounce of humility.

Canada praises China who openly declares they abuse their Memeflu tests to result of Positive if the government doesn't like you.

Blackrock tells us to Invest in China, and the WEF and WHO are close friends with China.

WHO and Fauci are connected, who is a loyal Clinton follower.

Ukraine and its not so secret Biolabs.

Ya, don't be mean to the old pedophile

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Anything to get out of work huh mayo niggers

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I would rather Joe Biden be president over Kamala Harris.

Both are evil puppets of the kikes, but i will be so ashamed especially to say my president is a female sheboon nigger.

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Fuck Joe Biden! Jews rape children!

>que johny cash
"I shid muh-self tah-day"

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Whoa 98 billion! the U.S. just gave Ukraine 50 billion in free weapons

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When you really think about it, telling everyone to leave Biden alone is actually a call for violence and or insurrection against the most voted for president in American history.

There's no end to how pathetic they can be.

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>Tom Nichols
Faggot boomer subhuman scum. I hate boomer neoliberals more than the antichrist

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I heard he hasn't had a press conference in half a year or whatever, longer than any President since Reagan.

name ONE (1) good thing he has done as president

Why? He a politician and thus fair game.

And after how the Left has treated Trump, ALL Democrat politicians, their little kids AND their pets are ALL fair game for criticism.

Show us how good of a President Trump truly was.