USA bros

Why are we being btfo by Indians across the board?

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Shit meme fuck off

The retarded dalits stay in the fields

Indians are little more than just the stooges of the actual ones in control. The British brought them to Africa to serve as bureaucrats and other functions supporting the white British colonial government, and the Jews are bringing them to America for the same purpose

They're just slaves of multinational corporations with barely any ownership of the company.

Maybe the pajeets funnel money through Indian call scammers

Ngl I work with indians and while some are lazy fucks that pretend to be dumb, some of them are swole brains. The ones that put in effort really do succeed. Another thing is they look out for their own.

ITT seething crackers

Kek. Always makes my morning good seeing seething shartmonke's.
Good morning sir

here's your happy birthday rakesh

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Indians are being put in positions that the normies perceive as powerful because shit is about to hit the fan and blaming indians is easy.

Wow. Literally all invented by white men and managed by Indians. Feel proud.


Because they're fucking fall guys. The real owners work behind the shadows now.

we're the true master race

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So why do you think Indian in india are underperforming

>t. naive Cheonmin

>They look out for their own
I've noticed this too. They're generally bog level retards but they work together. I often wonder how far smart young white guys could advance if they had the team spirit of retarded young Indian guys.

Probably to circumvent US corporate taxes

>american schools stop trying to bring the best of their students and settle for the lowest common denominator aka niggers
>why are we being btfo by [X]
must be the second ammenment

6.5/10 kek

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My fellow poojeet, we are so blessed here...but I do miss mother India so.
>be me mid 20s Indian in America
>used to live in bhangalpur
>blathe in the ganges
>miss it so much
>hate showers here, hate baths
>finally convinced family of poojeets to help
>take weekly bath
>have family poo and pee in tub beforehand
>ahhh so much better
>just like home

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