I haven't paid a single bill or debt since biden took office

I haven't paid a single bill or debt since biden took office
All letters go into the trash
All calls blocked
All emails spam foldered
Economy is collapsing shit won't matter in a few weeks
This is my fuck you to all debt kikes

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how do you still have the internet/electricity if that is true

nice larp fag

You could make it even worse by maxing your cards and then returning everything a couple days later

Public wifi on locked device I never paid HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAA

and you are proud of yourself, nigger?

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Same. I have the money, but they’re never getting it back. I can wait it out.


you still need utilities NEET, and I highly doubt you paid off your own house in full unless you're some sort of crypto wizard

It's all a larp. He probably lives with his parents and works at Walmart. This thread is the sum of his ambition.

You're doing what jesus died telling everyone what they should do.
The closer you are to the truth.
>the closer you are to the truth

Most based thread on pol rn

lmfao kek

debt slave cope

enjoy chapter 11

we need more people like you and i

>i...i... im wage slaving for a good reason
>pathetic LARP!

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Giga niga
Nig Jr

Fast forward a few weeks
>OP has been evicted
>anything he owns has been repossessed
>nobody will ever rent to him again
>his wages will be garnished until he dies, if anybody would hire him
>he will never get a loan again, if anybody would sell him a house or car
>he would be homeless if he wasn't in federal prison for tax evasion

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Then everybody clapped.

I always find it funny how the debt maxx threads bring out all the kike shills. They HATE the idea of goyim gaming their system and acquiring wealth using their own kike methods against them. Get fucked kikes. All the goyim here need to max out the credit cards and buy gold and silver. It will make them seethe.

Not paying credit card debt and medical bills = based
Not paying mortgage/rent/utilities/car loan is retarded because they will actually take your shit away and black list you for a decade

Cool blog post, faggot.

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