U.S. to sell up to 45 mln bbls oil from reserve as part of historic release

Why not just use the keystone pipeline?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-14 at 16-30-21 U S to sell up to 45 mln bbls oil from reserve as part of historic release.png (765x1931, 907.66K)

pipeline was racist or something, biden didnt like it so he cut it out
looks like it was a bad idea though

If more people work on the pipeline how tf are we going to get those mfs to live in pods?? Hmmmmmm? Think, retard.



and how exactly will this lower prices with demand at all time highs?

keystone oil is only good for diesel

Reserves? Who needs those? Bright future is right around the corner!

Green energy racket/great reset transfer of wealth and abolishing sovereign states.

It won't, I assume the money from the sale will be pocketed by the DNC.

The round stick run through land
White man bring sticky brown water
Time to beat wife

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Remember when they made such a big deal out of Biden signing the 100 executive orders in his first week in office ?
One of those was shutting down the Keystone Pipeline which would have brought Canadian oil into North Dakota.
Biden could redeem himself by convincing big oil that he and the Green democrats will hold off the EPA regulatory Nazis to allow Big oil to build an oil refinery in North Dakota. A major oil refinery complex in North Dakota at the hub of the Keystone pipeline would go a long way to reducing the price of all refined products in America.
Washington DC is the problem. Specifically the Communists that infest Washington DC. America hasn't built an oil refinery since the 1970's . The reason is that big oil does not want to risk the tremendous amounts of time and money it takes to build an oil refinery just to have some whacked out congress communist shut it down before it even opens 'cuz my eNvirOnMent.
Washington DC is the problem. Specifically the communists that infest Washington DC.

I was going to guess 3 days lol. It has all become so predictable

>Why not just use the keystone pipeline?
because hell will freeze before a democrat admits he was wrong unless they can spin it for votes

keystone would have brought energy independance to canada and the us.. which would mean we'd have no reason to fight in WW3,, where would israel get its soldiers?

Depends on current oil deficit in US
If oil deficit is around 1 mln barrels a day then this reserve will last some time

Yeha the whole reserve was supposed to be as a last ditch stock in case everyone run out and critical services need to keep going. Gonna be a fun and dark winter

biden needs to trigger an emergency to seize mineral rights from banks
or at least thats what he thinks he is doing

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>Thinking the US wants to solve any problem at all rather than profiting from it

europe needs to die screaming

there's no fuel to run the power plants this winter to keep y'all from freezing, because i knocked 5 cents off the gallon during everyones summer vacation, what do you think of that skippy?

None of this would have happened if Gorbachev just played ball

because activating the a pipeline will improve the energy situation and this administrations goal is to cripple the country in every way.

Draining the oil reserves isn't about lower gas prices, it's about draining the oil reserves.

>U.S. to sell up to 45 mln bbls oil from reserve as part of historic release
So what happens when there's no more oil in the reserves?

>3 days worth of oil

>mln bbls

The Greatest Depression. Americans revolt. Biden establishes martial law and suspends elections. UN blue helmets and Chinese mercenaries come in to police the US. The US Constitution gets burned as the United States secedes its soverignty to the United World Government of Earth.


2 days worth of oil again.

democrats hate america and want americans to suffer
this is what communists do

>UN blue helmets and Chinese mercenaries come in to police the US.
That would be an improvement honestly.