Regularly endures man-made horrors beyond our comprehension

>Regularly endures man-made horrors beyond our comprehension
Anyone else feel like living in hell is unironically making you...stronger?

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Ur fucked inside the mind of god

>just like in the hecking video game, need to post it on plebbit
i would post a based boy, but janny made it so i can't post images

someone double that janny's salary

I would triple it, no, he deserves a lot more, i say that we quadruple his salary

Where do you think you are faggot

Mentally stronger but physically weaker, my immune system has been fucked since I got Covid.


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That would be the expected outcome

What hell do you live in? Do yoiu have STD's like I do? Shut the fuck up, you're not suffering.


You are in hell user. Suffering may build physical strength but in the end it rots your mind and eventually your body.

doom eternal was surprisingly based, they make multiple jokes about the demons being trannies, blacks and refugees
i remember the globohomo hologram advertisements in the city levels would broadcoast to remain calm about the new "trans-dimensional refugees who have become our new neighbors!"
incredibly based for a mainstream video game

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Only if you're a sad sack

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lets go

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If this is hell how do I fuck a demon?

angels and demons are all male and only assume the shape of females to trick mortals and seduce men
so fucking a demon makes you gay

like normal. alcohol.

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Only demons take female shape, this is in all lores, /x/ has more on it.

I just want to fuck something that looks like Slaanesh, I don't care if it's secretly a guy

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We grow through strife and struggle.


Yes, hail to the white rabbit leading me through the depths of Wonderland

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Find a chick on Tinder, there you go. The fat and ugly ones tend to be the most vile demons.

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Stronger? I don't know. But it's definitely made me far more jaded and aggressive towards those who i deem as enemies.
Autism comes in many forms, this is one of them.