Maduro thugs beat Juan Guaido at a restaurant in Venezuela

Maduro hired thugs continue to go after Venezuela's elected president, Juan Guaido who is brave enough to remain in Venezuela. Here, they attack him at a restaurant.
Maduro needs to be removed ASAP.

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>Juan Guaido
isnt that that freemason faggot?


>third world niggers do third world nigger stuff

I dont know about freemason, but it is the guy who was elected as president of Venezuela until Maduro cheated the poll numbers and vote counts and just declared himself president. It was something crazy like Maduro getting 100,000 votes out of nowhere.

Just do it already, faggots. You don't, you let the whole america be infested by corrupted commies, because letting the neighbors down is optimal for you.

Not a single person in Venezuela voted for guaido for president of Venezuela*

> Maduro thugs beat Juan Guaidó.

Don't cry for Juan Guaidó; he's also member of Socialist International. Even the dissidence in Venezuela is socialist (centered-left).

Juan Guaidó and Leopoldo López aided Nicolás Maduro to keep in power. After elections, they negotiated with Maduro, and they bring him the victory, in exchange they could gain some states - such as Zulia State.

It's good that Juan Guaidó and the Social-Democrats (soft-socialist) be lynched on streets. They're traitors who kept entertaining Venezuelans and selling their destiny to the hardcore-socialists.

They're traitors. That's what they deserve it.

Remember that Juan Guaidó in Venezuela betrayed Oscar Perez when he was trying to liberate Venezuela from Nicolás Maduro.

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stfu fucking nigger lover double retard mutt, aguaido its just another fag from the false opposition

>It was something crazy like Maduro getting 100,000 votes out of nowhere.
wow just like joe biden

>Maduro hired thugs continue to go after Venezuela's elected president
The elected president of Venezuela IS Maduro.

>Osos maduros on Google

The only problem with the statement is that it's completely fabricated, guaido got no votes for president because he didn't even run for president he was a member of the legislature. Last I heard the opposition doesnt even consider him relevant anymore

>but it is the guy who was elected as president of Venezuela
lol no he wasn't, he was never elected.
Guaido and the national assembly just declared that Maduro wasn't president and that he was as the leader of the assembly.
That'd be like back in 2017 if Nancy Pelosi just decided Trump was no longer president and named herself president.

> Osos Maduro Sadomaso Cropofágia Esclavo Cerdo Baños de Oro.

> Esclavo SexuaI Juan Guaidó recibe un tratamiento facial de Semen en toda su cara y luego se le vomitan en la boca.

Grrr... That's what he deserves.

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>Cia agent assaulted by locals

Based and glowpilled

he really does look like south American obama. maybe like distant cousin

Is that punk still alive?

if all else fails they'll just get him a house in Virigina and bide their time

Based venezuelans dont tolerate glowie puppets, Chaduro keeps on dominating Gaydo without lifting a finger

After what Maduro and the PSUV (Chavez Party) did in Venezuela in 2013-2014 during the Humanitarian Crisis who superb the Weymar Republic, I doubt that Venezuelan would elected Maduro.

The Election Results were so weird. Before they told the winner, Maduro and Leopoldo had a meeting and they negotiated the power seats; and also they allowed that Maduro kept being the president of Venezuela.

Leopoldo, Guaidó and these hilarious political leaders are members of Socialist International as well.

The worst mistake for Venezuelans was to betray their only legitimate president, Marcos Pérez Jiménez.

Marcos Pérez Jiménez (Fascist) opened borders for Europeans to invest in Venezuela; millions of Spaniards and Italians settled there. Venezuela began to prosper; he allowed the exploitation of oil deposits. He was a visionare.

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>millions of Spaniards and Italians settled there. Venezuela began to prosper
Its called oil pidor

We need this in our country, our neighborhoods, right now. Certainly then we will be able to outcompete China.

>muh voting
you fags will never learn