Are USA's niggers circumcised?

Serious question: do the jews circumcise also african american or they practise it just to the white population?

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how would i know and why would i care?

why are they elves?

blacks and whites are the only demographics circumcised

Didn’t let them circumcise my son.

But he’s Northern European in heritage.

You have to be circumcised by jewish definition. Otherwise your not in a covalent with Yahweh. Its why many Christians undergo the practice too.

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All slaves get the chop, jews aint paying for water to clearn that shit in the desert.

Covenant *

because niggers are orcs

living without foreskin is bad, maybe?

but the white guy is an elf too

you did good, user

Attached: tesla man made horrors.gif (607x609, 690.18K)

It’s WITCH fanart.
Now focus on the topic.

orcs have point ears, but only whites are elfs

thanks for saving me, user

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Sudan blariet? Nehhh. H.

Circumcised cock hurts a woman if you are banging her from behind.

Captcha is ass40

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wasted digits

care to explain? sound interesting

I mean what is here to explain? I asked a girl to fuck her from behind. She said no, because it hurts. Later i did some digging and the bitch fucked some Ahmed earlier. I looked in what countries dicks are circumcised. Yeah middle east too. So correlation is clear. You can go full schizo and blame jews for making american penises unpleasant for american women.

that's explain a lot, thanks user

Good man.
Let me guess, the kid's mother tried to insist on it anyway?

good job. he'll thank you for sure.
Captcha: K0KVA

maybe he got a big dick? I mean I don't see how it physically would hurt you more.


>Captcha: K0KVA

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I'm not circumcised and I'm 8 inches, do you wanna jump on it, user?
Well fuck you, I'm super straight, only niggers are super gay

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