Tranner Regret


Good fucking Lord

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in the end you only have yourself to blame

The best part is all the troons in the replies posting the same study over and over trying to prove that literally no one ever has regrets after mutilating their bodies.

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Not my problem

Actions have consequences

I really do feel bad for him, even if he's a degenerate retard.

How many young kids are getting this surgery? How many will an hero in the future?

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What an abomination.

>literal damage control
this shit is a goldmine. so many seething trannies.

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Toll almost paid. If I were him I'd take care of the jewish doctors before roping

speaking of the jewish doctors, apparently they were roasting the troon on the medical charts LMAO

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Kek these kikes are truly ruthless


These people are vicious. The moment one of their own goes against the grain they put them down like a dog.

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>literal stump inside that twitches
>wake up with morning wood, without the tree
>I wish this was a joke
It is a joke indeed, holy cow, I still can't believe people mutiliate themselves like this voluntarily. No fucking refunds, ahaha.

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Ok true because living in someone's else body is better.

>the same article again and again
btw this "medical study" doesn't actually interview post op tranners. you can't write shit this funny.

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I saw Hulk Hogan at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “WHAT'S UP BROTHER?!?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” because I am a trans woman, but he kept cutting me off and going “BROTHER! DUDE! HULKAMANIACS!” and flexing his muscles and posing. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical interference from the jews,” and then turned around and winked at me. I think he even said the N Word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
He's tall.

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What the hell does that handwriting say?

That's a troll

This is nightmarish. Crazy how what in my point of view is clearly a mental problem gets treated with drastic methods like hormones and horrific surgery. I guess there is a lucrative industry behind trannies
no need to respond to blatant bait

>You’re claiming it wasn’t informed
That is clearly what he is claiming. None of the consequences of the surgery were explained to him.

He gets to the point of detransitione and now the realitzation that its permanent is hitting him. What low iq functioning retard no wonder he transitioned

Cosa vi abbiamo fatto perché ci odiate così tanto?

Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose

You never can read doctors handwriting


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They were successfully treating these conditions with regular antipsychotics in the ‘90s before the gender ideologues marched through the psychiatric profession.

the living ones don't regret it. and when they do, you don't regret it for long

huh. so, chopping up your cock and turning it inside out is a *bad* idea?

is there any reddit salt mined did the story get to reddit? mine twitter salt for me I'm a never go to twitter fag

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Chudcels will never understand.

Theres plenty of tranny regret posts but they get quickly brigaded.

plenty people did warn, they also got removed from speaking about it, sorry your parents hated you so much, sorry Jews run everything, better luck next life retards...


Doctor handwriting is a whole separate language at this point
Nope, try again tranner. I love how every trannies knee jerk response is to call it a troll or fake, then when this is proven false they just result to spamming a biased medical study in an attempt to discredit the person speaking out about their regrets. You people are so quick to turn on each other lmfao. Literal mental illness.

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>this isn't regret

So much cope I almost feel bad. Almost

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sad it's probably a shitshow in the twitter comments right now..
>I was going to make substack on this, but decided to a much shorter post on Reddit, the place where it all started
>the place where it all started
wow I'm really shocked right now

Full Twitter thread

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That study is a mail in survey that only account for people who respond after 2 years, right?
So if they sent out 100,000, and only got 8,000 replies, and 92,000 killed themselves, then it looks like the 7,920 are all happy.

These people should really start a movement to raise awareness of post surgery regret and the surgeries proboems.
The suicide rates of post surgery Ts are 20 times that of pre surgery. This person could use their expirience to save lives.

I don't. The sooner these weak leftists sterilize themselves and commit suicide due to the regret the better.

>Have fetish for transformation
>Make permanent transformation
>Not transforming anymore
>No way to transform back
Someone should have thought this through!

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>tranny doctors are actually based because they are removing these idiots from the gene pool
Mengele would be proud.

Quickly feds you can groom this tranny into school shooter. He going to do it

i can make out
Cavity dissected(?) - bleeding ++ big veins no rectal my
Penile something something. bleeding from veins(?)
bilateral orchidectomy ie castration
clitoris avb glans(???)
urethral reduction meatoplasty
vaginaplasty 5"
labioplasty bleeding +(?)
something pathway Hb in 2 hrs
blood loss / 600ml(thats a little more than if you would have donated a bag of blood) Related something
curly something for bleeding
that's all i can make out
also i can't seem to make out the part where they make fun of the tranny

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Gender roles are yin and yang

thx maplebro, a bunch of the original replies got mass reported by the troon army that the flow of the thread got hijacked a bit.

>you're left with a literal stump inside that twitches

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That’s their body, the body they mutilated. You are born as one gender in one body.

Fucking kek. I feel bad for him in a way but that’s what you get for being a dumbass.

Stop posting like a jackass and maybe you won't be treated as one.

I'm good, go fuck yourself faggot. Take your faggot b8 somewhere else. Go to reddit if you expect people to not insult you when you say retarded shit.

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I think he's referencing the 3 day period where he had to wait for a blood transfusion. Also the "call me" at the end seems like an underhanded jab lmao

It's ok to kill surgeons who do this to people. It's ok to kill academics who teach gender theory (not real) and push this nonsense in academia.