When inflation hits 50% do we just stop going to work? Like whats even the point. Were already at 24%...

When inflation hits 50% do we just stop going to work? Like whats even the point. Were already at 24%. Not like i can afford to drive anywhere or do recreational shit anymore. Ive just been staying home eating beans and deenz gardening

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it's called a recession, but on steroids, so it's a depression

No shit retard. Im asking at what point do we stop working and just hunker down? Its like not were going to get pay raises

I guess we should at least prepare for outliving the hoards of hungry/violent niggers looking to eat you like fried chicken. Then maybe you can store their corpses in a frozen lake? I know nigger meat sounds disgusting but desperate times

The other way around, when inflation gets high enough there will be no jobs aviable.
You will beg for one like your great grandfathers did in 1930

>Oh wow, sorry you have to die because we sold your future to the lowest bidder. Sucks that we have enough resources to protect ourselves. Good luck everybody else!

I work for a credit card company at home I'll ride this shit right to the bottom. Sorry not sorry.

Ill just live off of my savings and prepped food for a year or two. And what if they try to repo my house for not paying utilities or taxes or some bullshit? Can we just shoot the collector guy?

>at home
Jobs like yours are going to be some of the first to disappear, expect to be singing a very different tune by this time 2023.

The mass layoffs have already started. All these scam tech companies are imploding. I work for the feds so i can stay employed as long as i want. The issue is im totally checked out at this point and cant be bothered to work at all

>do we just stop going to work?
What do you do for work now?

The government will have to satisfy the masses. If inflation actually did get that high, they’d have to get a new Dollar or mandate employers pay more to keep up with inflation. Everyone with mortgages and debts will be a winner in this scenario.

Im a glownigger busting ass for peanuts. My take home pay has been fucked due to taxes and inflation to the point i have no motivation to work. Especially seeing the big guys making $200k a year spend millions of dollars travelling the world for “conferences” on the tax payer dime. Its so demoralizing. I do all their work and they get the credit. The federal govt is such a fucking scam bro

Yeah this works for some time and then Venezuela type inflation happens.

Why would we beg for jobs when money is worthless and travel is expensive?

You lazy welfare nigger. Don't act like you don't have the best job in the fucking USA which you cannot be fired from, pays 6 figures, has the best health care in the world, comes with a pension (fucking lol nobody has a pension other than government/military fags) etc. etc. etc.

> When inflation hits 50% do we just stop going to work
unironically yes. who will maintain all that complex social structures? you don't want those gdp numbers to go up? what are you some anti progress anarchists(that is bad, don't try to decrease your interdependence on the system)? user... you must worship our new secular values of the climate god and niggers. don't become self autonomous. not practicing group think regularly and not consuming governement and corporate brainwashing material is actually bad for you. look Russia just invade Ukraine. you need to support Ukraine. isn't that what democracy is all about? supporting Ukraine, drinking soi products, consuming government propaganda, and sweet sweet dependence on the system.(that is the best part, you can't escape).

My take home is $17/hour. I have no disposable income….

you should have exterminated the fed niggers a century ago. you won't do shit

You can do that whenever you want?

>Im a glownigger
Sounds tough. I guess quit your job then and see if your standard of living improves, please report back and keep us posted.

Start your own business, if you catch my drift.

More like implosion.
If you account for inflation and current rate of printout due to size and volume it's more like 500% or roughly 9 times the original pricing of The Great Depression.

Will be worthless.
>repo my house
Be more worried about hungry bands of people going around. If any house puts up resistance by firing at them they will just torch it and move to the next.

Because in theory what you get paid will be worth something that day but worthless tomorrow so you'll have to constantly work just to eat.

get back to work goy, i need you to make me richer

And don't get me started on futures rates after the fact. It bumps that number somewhere into the quadruple digits.

>When inflation hits 50% do we just stop going to work? Like whats even the point.

from polish history - point is that if you dont have food you die from starvation.

so enjoy fight with each others, try to steal and not get killed OR work as official state slave

Statistically 40% of the US is living paycheck to paycheck

statistically once 50% of money earned is solely used to buy food rioting will begin

Grocery stores run out of food 48 hours without deliveries

People resort to cannibalism 2 weeks without food

You sell out the American people for $17 an hour?

>People resort to cannibalism 2 weeks without food

nope, even in poland that not happen. rather food will be luxury like cheap oil in old days

Poland doesn't have a nigger infestation

I already stopped going to work. Well, in the future at least. Last day is tomorrow.

What's the point if money is worthless?

you still go to work?

God damn little kid mindsets.
You are going to have to work for a living and you are just going to have to get the fuck over it!

true. dont worry, falling of your empire will be slow, you have many months to prepare

You want to be a faggot fine, stop trying to drag others down with you.

> using money instead of making stuff by yourself and bartering 2022

Not me!

Attached: Stack-of-2015-American-Silver-Eagles.jpg (875x588, 156.96K)

> repudiate debt
> mass mobilize army
> massive protests
> riots rape looting
> political assasinations
> collapse of government
> popular coup
> military operations in Cambodia, Zimbabwe, Congo
> humanitarian push for human rights in eastern european states
> pillaging and extorting every possible country
> extreme fertility in homeland
> second european reneissanse
> stately quadrille

> Can only comprehend working for paper
Its over for you

But Fox News told me it’s a bear market!

Some people do it for free.