Crypto currency is refuge from inflation

>crypto currency is refuge from inflation
How mad are boomers going to be for trusting this guy?

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It was if you bought when we told you, user. It isn't if you waited until the top.

Simple as that.

Bros what will happen when the stock market opens today, I’m scared

Fuck those greedy asses for looking for easy money.

>currency that can only be exchange for other currencies being a refuge from currency inflation.

kek what a retard.
>Muh magic internet money created from nothing with no inherent utility value will beat inflation, look the supply is limited so the more people that buy, the higher the price goes! Just like a ponzi scheme!
>And because there is no inherent value, there is no way to properly value the token, as everyone who has bought in erroneously thinks the value is above 0.


>currency that can only be exchange for other currencies being a refuge from currency inflation.
This lol

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>hide from JWO central banking system
>by investing 7 years too late into system created by NSA and the rothschilds
If you're not one of the NGO/discord/psyop bots crawling on this shithole, you can laugh with me.

Cryptocurrency is a derivative of whatever weird "dollar-like" shit is on the balance sheet of Tether. All those things that are currently collapsing.

The entire price rise was due to fraud. From the very start on MTGOX. Everyone who ignored the evidence of this deserves to lose everything and should probably go to prison.

I can't wait till the crash comes for the boomers.
Cyptofags are either somewhat aware that they invested in a risky asset or just stupid and deserve to lose all their money, but what will really show the boomers the system is a house of cards is when their precious 401Ks crash and burn.
Maybe then, and only then, will they realize something is a problem.
Typical boomer mindset - everything is fine unless MY money goes down. Fuck the millennials, keep working to pay my SS!

You don't have to worry about your savings anymore.....when those are gone with cryptocrash.

i want to kiss that hips and ass

I watch Tucker often and used to go to the General threads here until the Dr. pepper pisting faggot tpok them over. Tuck was kinda shillibg crypto for sure.

He's right though

You don't have to worry about high prices when you don't have any money

>magic money created from nothing
user, I.........

What is the intrinsic value of a cryptocurrency?

I’m sitting here looking at the silver I bought when I sold Bitcoin at 63K.

It’s still here.

Its a currency between currencies. Its intrinsic value is money laundering.

That's what I'm doing
Everything is down right now but it will go back up

It’s a way of recording things hard to erase.
But it’s hardly used generally, just for recording transactions.
Some schemes are possible that can get more efficiency by relaxing permanence.

Expect gov crypto to try to be exclusively transactions, because they don’t want it possible to record classified info on an essential currency.
Even so, there are ways to encode data on a blockchain even without an annotation field.

the mythical FOX BOOMER pump...

The top was when they introduced the ETF last fall for the boomers to buy in their 401ks.
It was then the search for the greater fool was complete.