What is a spell?

In recent times a spell has been cast over the West. A spell of demoralisation and apathy.

A spell, contrary to popular belief, is not a supernatural curse or blessing through which an individual might influence the world about them. The term might be used to describe such a thing today, but historically it referred to a story, a fable, a tale.

Old English spell "story, saying, tale, history, narrative, fable; discourse, command," from Proto-Germanic *spellam (see spell (v.1)). Compare Old Saxon spel, Old Norse spjall, Old High German spel, Gothic spill "report, discourse, tale, fable, myth;" German Beispiel "example." From c. 1200 as "an utterance, something said, a statement, remark;" meaning "set of words with supposed magical or occult powers, incantation, charm" first recorded 1570s; hence any means or cause of enchantment.

How then did it become associated with such magical things? It is because stories do have an 'occult' power, that is a 'hidden' power. There is nothing supernatural about it however. A story, just like a spell, can be used by an individual to influence the world about them. That is why it has taken on such a meaning.

Stories shape individuals. They shape the way they perceive the world about them. They imbue them with morals, often showing the consequences of the wrong actions, and ending with the right actions making the situation better. The man who tells the story determines what is right and what is wrong, and considering the power that his words might have, especially over children; we must all be cautious of whose stories we listen to.

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In the West today many have abandoned the art of story-telling. What was once an integral part of our society, remembered distantly as tribes gathering around camp fires to listen to the stories of their heroes and champions, to more recent eras of a bard in a pub amazing a crowd with time-honoured fables and myths, or a preacher on a pulpit dispensing wisdom in parables and histories; and even to the kindly grandfather on a rocking chair regaling his grandchildren with fanciful inspiring tales or lessons learned from an imperfect life; this once integral aspect of the West has been lost. Instead we look to flickering screens adorned with the perversion of Satan's own spawn, or to texts penned by the immoral and ignorant; and even to songs with sweet melodic-voices drilling into us the values of the nihilist and the degenerate.

This is the source of our sickness. How many times have you heard your kin tell you that nothing will ever change? That it doesn't matter who you vote for, it doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't matter what you do? These poor apathetic creatures are the consequence of a life time of bad stories. They were taught: you cannot change the world, you are just a regular person, small and weak; you need a super hero, a representative to fight the battle for you and to take on all of those problems in your stead. You need a military man; a seven foot tall muscle-clad super soldier, or a suave and sophisticated spy with a license to kill and gadgets that allow him to achieve the impossible! You, little goyim; you can do nothing.
… And so we do nothing.

Would our ancestors have been so cowed? Of course not. But was it because they were inherently better than us? More noble of spirit and daring in their actions? No. Our ancestors would not have put up with this evil because they were raised on stories that made them into the sort of men who desired righteous and would fight against impossible odds in its defense. They were raised hearing about David and Goliath; where a mere boy took on an impossibly large and fearsome warrior, and through faith and courage achieved victory. They were raised hearing about the Spartans at Thermopylae; fighting against impossible odds to do what is right, willing to sacrifice themselves to protect what is most important, and to galvanise in their less willing fellows the desire to fight against the supposedly unbeatable; and ultimately achieve victory and survival for their race. They learned of Achilles, of Caesar, of Theodoric and Alfred the Great, of Pelayo of Asturias, of Richard the Lion Heart and Saint Louis of France. These stories taught them to fight and if need be die for what is right; their minds had been shaped by these stories, and so they knew that through virtuous struggle nothing is impossible. The greater the odds; the greater the glory!

Why, brothers, have we allowed the enemy to tell the stories for so long? This forum pumps out text at a near unimaginable rate; our writings here could be used to inspire, to teach, to save. Let us cast our spell; let us tell our story. Let us use this to influence the world about us, let us make men strong and virtuous once more.

whose champions songs may we sing? are there such heroes about to this day? it seems a darkness has been cast over our once bright people.

>Me and my Loli vs internet pedos

>Our ancestors would not have put up with this evil because they were raised on stories that made them into the sort of men who desired righteous and would fight against impossible odds in its defense. They were raised hearing about David and Goliath
I could not agree more. we must have heroes. we will build heroes, we must to inspire the people

We let kikes start telling all the stories


We can write our own stories if we have to. Do you think the nonsense that the jews thrust before our eyes has any truth to it? There is no super man, and where they take real figures from history they distort their lives and deeds into something false. How many times have we had threads exposing the lies about the achievements of some African-American? How many times have the inventions of a jewish 'scientist' been proven to have been stolen from an American or a German?

With that said, we do have a near endless list of stories from our collective history. The very same stories that inspired our forebears. I believe we have a good many great men around today too. I imagine that should our fathers ever have told us of their lives; their trials and triumphs, that they would serve to inspire us and ground us with good morals too. That is what we must bring back.

I appreciate the effortposting, make sure you're saving this and poa.st ing to other sites that are of higher user quality even if the reach is less.

You know what, I vehemently agree with the sentiment of this. When one is presented with narratives of prosperity, unity and growth they tend to shape their worldview in such a way.

It's cuz all these stupid pink haired art hoes are doing witch craft


read the rules. if you are complaining about Any Forums, why the fuck are you here? you are a damn shill that's why! at least honour what these site has done you ungrateful asshole.

He just wants to show that loli his BDC


Exactly. What were we thinking? In fact, I don't think we were thinking. I don't think many people even noticed it. Walt Disney did and rightfully opposed them, which is why just about every form of modern media accuses him of anti-semitism and demonises him at every opportunity.

No one else noticed though. Everyone else seems to have been too busy with their office jobs, and after an exhausting day they would plonk themselves down in front of their televisions and absorb this poison that saps away their vitality. It was a vicious cycle; after imbibing the venom, they were less able to resist it.

We have noticed though! So let us do something about it.

A spell is when you use your vocal chords to communicate something to someone by making them believe in something that isn't real. Like money, racism, religion, rape etc.

To break a spell you simply ask the person who casted it on you a question. But it's important to ask the correct question and not a stupid one. The moment you ask some variation of "how does that work", "where did you get that from?" or something like "that makes no sense". You have immediately broken their spell and made them worthless to anyone around you.

TL;DR A mental illusion.

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Lemme tell you the story of the boy raised like a house plant.

I too firmly believe Terry Pratchett and Alan Moore, where authors who later discovered they were in fact Wizards the whole time.

I forget which book of Terry's it was exactly, but a paragraph convinced me he studied ChaosMagic/Discordianism as well as his own works effects on his fans more than a little. to paraphrase: "A spell is more then it's intended effect. Once cast the magic which at its core is chaotic possibility filtered through a wizards will continues to dynamically effect the environment. After the dust of the intended lightning bolt has settled unintended consequences the wizard can never anticipate will continue for generations." this could be in reference to the effect of the author has on his audience. fables are memetic vaccines for children. as they grow older the lessons learned extrapolate in weird ways. Karl Marx should burn in hell.

Oh and Alan moore was quoted as saying to trying to meme the apocalypse into happening by writing the "watchmen", and something about an anarchistic revolution with "V for vendetta". he's a weird one that guy. magnificent wizard beard tho.

>Any Forums has more magic power then /x/

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is that way
you're doing nobody favors here with thinking you are wise
you are a fool
Christ is above your stupid spell, now spell that on your forehead and believe
repent sinners

A good story is based upon the truth, and those bad stories that are full of lies and alien to reality can indeed lose their power by asking those simple questions.

I think that, in a way, is exactly what the 'red pill' is. It is when we all start poking holes in the narrative that we have been presented. Alas, few find anything worthwhile to replace the now shattered frame-work of their existence with, and so they are pulled this way and that by bad actors who would prey upon them and take advantage of we who have no foundation. I believe this is why so many people flop between different radical ideologies; all in the vain hope of finding something that explains their situation and gives them purpose.

Those who provide us alternatives are in many cases little better than the children of the devil who have given us the status quo. This board, for all its ills; has a community that glorifies virtue and seeks the truth. Men like you are the ones who should be telling the stories. Men like you should give the lost a foundation. As we speak the truth, we fear no questioning; they cannot break the power of our stories by asking 'how does that work' or 'where did you get that from'; because we point to reality, though in many cases people know what we say is the truth from their own experiences.