How is it no democrats care that she lied about being native American in order to commit affirmative action fraud...

How is it no democrats care that she lied about being native American in order to commit affirmative action fraud? Seems like it would be a pretty major sin for the woke religion

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They really think she's an Indian.

They don’t give a shit about minorities, only power, and she managed to put herself in a powerful position.

These are people who ignore the fact that Azov are Neo Nazis because they're the good guys and Putin is Hitler or something.

Reminder that Bernie Saunders has still not apologized for telling Warren that "a woman cannot be president" (CNN article)

Her experience is Native American. She in fact never claimed to be Native American, but only to have lived the experience as someone who identified as Native American, in the context of White power systems. What. Is. There. To. Be. Confused. About?

Unlike Republicans, Democrats only care about winning.

>she lied about being native America

The native Americans were disturbed bloodthirsty cannibals. They took pride in torture and abuse, and when we found out some if them were friendly, and would eat a proper meal with the new neighbors, we held a Thanksgiving.

This woman is a whore and I spit on her electoralate.

>How is it no democrats care
Leftists experience and behave as women do. There is no rationality, their feelings define what is true, and all that matters is themselves.

what? lying is a democrat sport, the bigger the better, and npcs continue to fill out ballots...

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>lying is a democrat sport
A handful of them are true believers in democracy. This inevitably creates racism, because democracy only works when the people are racially united.

Republicanism still works when there are mixed peoples.

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Trudeau was caught doing black face
Biden was accused of sexual assault
last gov of VA was caught doing black face
Joy Reid was caught making homophobic and racist comments
nothing happened to them

Democrats are evil.

This woman is a whore and I spit on her electoralate....
Base and pilled/pol/
Hate this fake, fraud and would like to toss her in prison and let niggers rape her to death for her selfish crimes against the American people.

>let niggers rape her to death for her selfish crimes

I hate you people.

very true, blue dogs used to be a thing. both wings of the uniparty are only interested in increasing wealth and power.

they tend to be democrats but there are a large number of rinos with them too. There is a tiered caste system in america anymore.

>both wings of the uniparty
You've never met a far right winger.
There is no unitary.

They say "peace," when there IS NO PEACE.

>Trudeau was caught doing black face
>Biden was accused of sexual assault


Fuck off pavement ape !!!

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What is a woman?

Bernie is old ,senile and wealthy.
He's everything bad about American Government today !

Tara Reade.

>What is a woman?

A woman is a human that is not a man. So the how should we define this? This is a cultural issue as well as a policy issue.