Thoughts on establishing an architects guild...

Thoughts on establishing an architects guild? (or any art really) It's quite clear the only reason ugly buildings persist is because the money and influence of our enemies. I doubt many if any of you here also have money and influence so I think reestablishing guilds would be a benefit.

Attached: BrickHouse.jpg (650x420, 69.82K)


Do it fren.

Sounds cool but I'm not much of a leader. Idk where to start.

>trying to make a group or anything which requires cooperation in america

What would be wrong with that?

Post good looking houses, OP. Please. Lets see your taste.

I made this in minecraft lol
Mom said I should get an architecture degree when she saw it. Was my first foray into architecture how is it?

Attached: ClassicalPalace.png (2560x1440, 1.28M)

Also am slav so I like this stuff.

Attached: My Soul Searching Perspective.jpg (450x600, 102.15K)

>What would be wrong with that?
the fact that all americans are both genetically predisposed and encouraged by their culture to be self centered sociopaths who put self reliance as the highest virtue and cooperation and organisation as a great evil because they've been brainwashed to think like that

it's a good thing obliviously, my point was that you'll need a lot of work and luck to make that work in america

Oh yeah good point, forgot I wasn't a mutt. Am pure slav and feel bad for any anglos with boomer parents.

I really like the colors here. Blue, white and yellow are kino!

Attached: Church.jpg (980x980, 195.41K)

The problem is you have to tie something like this into a greater society. That's why these little movements always fail. And lord knows you can't tie it into the current pre-collapse society.

This I like, but this color blue looks like it more belongs in the tropics.

>Thoughts on establishing an architects guild?
Don't let any jews in or they'll ruin it.

Please post wherever you all intend on gathering so I can hire one or some of you.
Gl based beautiful architecture user

I have to get an architect degree first lol
I just thought it would be useless being a middle class goyim and all. I just wanted to see if there way any interest desu.

Seeing this in person is underwhelming

There's always interest in these sorts of things. As I said, the problem is making them work in real life, considering the present era is one where the rulers are actively working to suppress all creativity and decency at all times. If you make any organization devoted to defying the current world norms, be prepared to kill feds.

> architect guild
guilds are faggy and secret societies are how you wind up with pedophile satanists in charge of your civilization

Something to consider - architects draw pictures, but you're talking about buildings in real life. Some architects would want to create buildings with classical details if that were still possible. In the olden days there was more skill in the building trades, and a lot more craft went into construction. Now the goal is to build quickly and use the cheapest materials. Even then, new construction is super expensive.

Modern building design is held back by market forces and the lack of craftsmanship in the construction industry.

Elites will always rule society I'd rather myself and my cliche than another user. Besides guild are a European tradition.
True, I'd like to fund a craftsmen school if I had money. I think the solution should be making guilds for those professions as well, maybe influence law for sustainability.
sounds scary :s

Anyway I have to go to bed goodnight Any Forums thank you for being my frens

Attached: CatboywithPillow.jpg (858x862, 55.27K)

Architects are irrelevant, it's the investors that matter. A cousin of mine is a professor of architecture, designed/worked on dozens of projects in the US, Canada, UK and Spain. I find his work to be beautiful and I imagine most people would. That said when governments or big investors want to put an eyesore they'll find someone to design one - I think they get their kicks of telling you some disgusting, poorly fitting monstrosity that ruins the surrounding areas is actually beautiful

A guild would be useful to say fuck off to the government. A guild is basically a union. And if that doesn't work we could always put our own for office :)

its a shame the right ignores any and all art. art is the foundation of society, it is the key, it is how you preserve your values. humans are a medium for culture, and art is the most effective shape of that culture.

if we can take over the arts, we will have won by default. as art goes, so goes the nation.