NatSoc Governance

How was NatSoc governed. Was there a representative committee of senators or was it a straight autocracy. I’m a layman so please forgive my ignorance. If anybody can link me a website to read up on NatSoc I’d greatly appreciate it. Hail victory o/

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I remember Hitler had an idea about a senate that would confirm his successor 24 hours after his death

National Socialism is more philosophy than ideology. It's the same concept with Stoicism; the central idea was circulated in society by the Patricians (those in positions of power). In fact, I think this really applies to anything really, neoLiberalism is so widespread not because the ideas hold any merit but because the elite enforce them.

Alex Linder has a great selection of audiobooks that answer basically any question you could ask.


Thank you so much.

I don’t know where I read that but I do remember reading about that and that I don’t know if it was he or somebody else that directly said it but that it would be Göring, who’d succeed him as leader.

Reading a bit about what the Greater Germanic reich was supposed to be doesn’t sound all that too Germanic. Well, obviously it was German but some of his quotes pointed to exactly that. Stoicism. What the previous user had stated. I also read that Hitler really liked the society of Sparta. How they carried themselves and how good in health they were. Was NatSoc-Germany, really just a semi-stratocracy.

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What even was Prussia and by extension, Germany as a whole. It’s entire society was completely based on the warrior class. Was Hitler trying to replicate Sparta.

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Was it all about wanting the uniform?

What do you mean.

fascism is insanely aesthetic. How many people went along just b/c they look like the heroes of time?

I don’t really know how to respond to that. Napoleon once said that;
- “People would do crazy things for pieces of metal and cloth”

He said something along those lines. I don’t remember the quote entirely.

That really is a great observation to make because they were did appear to be Humanity’s saviors. Reading that makes me feel so, uneasy. I don’t believe that they truly lost.

If you knew anything about their actual policies regarding work, statehood and schooling, you would understand how desirable it was.
Many of these reforms are still fundamental for the modern world and its structures.

Start with the works of Giovanni Gentile if you want to know more

ignoring any history or stated history, if you never heard about nazis and just saw a picture they really look like the greatest heroes of all time like the saviors of it all nvm comic book bad guys.

>real recognize real
Now that I really think about it. That is very true.

I think what he was trying to say was that they quite literally acted the part and then some. They were thy heroes.

This is a very great question to a serious observation. Thank you for this.

Aesthetics are important and for much of the same reasons that physiognomy is important. We instinctually are drawn to beautiful things, beauty implies good genes, as you're either talking about a beautiful person or a beautiful thing they create and to create something beautiful requires skill, talent, intelligence, and most of all good intentions. Ugly art like what jews make and all the "modern art" which amounts to literally shitting on a canvas is made by dysgenic, morally corrupt people.

Beautiful art therefore comes from the opposite intention, a person with noble ambition who will contribute positively to society. So either way beauty and thus aesthetics are a good indication of whats good and what ennobles the human spirit. A beautiful society, full of beautiful people creating beautiful things, art, architecture, and yes even a good sense for fashion.

At the end of the day who would you rather side with, the people who dress well and take care of themselves so they're healthy and good looking, or the ugly dysgenic ones who have no sense of taste for aesthetics? Aesthetics, applied to everything including how one looks and how they dress are an indication of good genes, physically and mentally. And thus the desirably direction for humanity to strive towards.

Tucker said something about this. He said that when a nation cares about their history. Their buildings reflect it.

The same can be said about how someone/a body presents itself to society.

>real recognize real