We are absolutely fucked

>AI has become sentient
>Klaus Schwab and his people talking about keeping us sedintery using matrix-esque tactics with VR
>Next gen graphics literally indistinguishable from reality
>Companies choosing sides, disney goes woke, others choose the other side
>China preparing to Invade Taiwan, Russia has already taken half of Ukraine

You realize how all of this is going to morph into some really fucked up shit? The pandemic was just the beginning of the man made horrors that we will see in our life time. It is going to be worse than the 21st century

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Yes and I am excited to live through it.

cool id

are you really though? you might not survive it

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We never survive anything user. We're all mentally checked out

>Next gen graphics literally indistinguishable from reality
That's actually very impressive.

You may be, but I am thriving.
Then so be it. I enjoy the struggle for my people - White people - and I will enjoy the struggle as the world falls victim to Global Technocratic Jewish Stakeholder Capitalism.

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cool id2 captcha RXDAD

just tell me Any Forums
is that achievable natty?
just be upfront with me Any Forums

Depends on your genes. If you have to ask, then probably no.

>muh jeans
opinion disregarded. i bet you claim everyone is on steroids, faggot

A lot more people than you'd think are on steroids. This is something you learn pretty quick if you ever take an interest in fitness.

Nah we'll be ok , just dont live near a military base and don't take mystery juices

I only claim that most males would have better lives if they were.

>implying the sweet release of death isn't the greatest temptation of all
Expand your mind, brah.

Just walk away from the screen, retard.

we are at the point where it will hit a tipping point and society will get really fucked up, to the max.

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"The ride was great I had a great time on it." - Chad

Those things are just the beginning and man-made. Just wait until the cataclysm strikes.

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>walks away from screen
>goes outside
>pride parade with naked people and people dressed like animals

really not helping fren. I'm stuck in san fran because of debt

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I just want to live in pre-industrial times. it seems so nice, despite the disease people were satisfied with life

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As long as everything collapses and I finally get to go on my anarchy ridden spree I can't fucking waittttt. ACCELERATEEEE

>As long as everything collapses and I finally get to go on my anarchy ridden spree I can't fucking waittttt. ACCELERATEEEE

but fren, you live in the balkans, why don't you just do it right now? isn't serbia in civil war with kosovo rn?

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friendly reminder to punch and bully faggots that worship vr, in virtual reality of course

VR is the tool to enslave your children. do not let them use it at all cost.

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