Just Graduated and need to pick a city to move to

Hi Any Forums. I graduated college last month and have 3 job offers, none of which are in my hometown. Where should I move?

>65k salary, 20k bonus if I hit metrics
>have visited twice, enjoyed it a lot
>No family there
>lots of friends in/around the area, large alumni network from my school
>fucking crazy all the time
>the girls there are super fucking entitled

>75k salary, bonus not discussed
>Have visited once, loved it
>From florida so winter will be hell
>Have family that lives in the suburbs + 2 friends from college in the city, 1 of which offered to room with me
>the mayor is a dyke bitch
>have been told "the crime is out of control but the city is very segregated, so you wont ever really see it

Washington DC
>70k salary, 15k bonus if I hit metrics
>Have never visited
>Zero family, zero friends, no connection to the city
>Dating is apparently super fucking hard here
>Super liberal and taxes very high

Software engineer btw. What should I do Any Forums? I'm 22 and have zero responsibilities, but I have to live in a city at least in the short/medium term.

Attached: skyline-in-the-background.jpg (1024x769, 359.25K)

I should reiterate - I CAN'T do remote and go /innawoods/, at least not yet, so that is not an option. Trust me I have tried but I dont have enough experience to be trusted at home yet apparently.

Always go with Miami user.

Go to Chicago lmao

miami would be the best out of those three factoring in cost of living and more importantly nigger ratio

Miami. Least shitty option I guess

I dont know about Miami though - a lot of the market is propped up on web3 and scam money, and your second point
>the nigger ratio
There are a LOT of rich minorities in miami, they'll be a lot more visible than the other two.

I'm leaning toward Chicago honestly. It's OBSCENELY cheap rent-wise from what I've seen, and additionally there's working public transit so I dont have to drive everywhere. Still planning on bringing my car if I do but at least I'll have the option not to use if if I have to.

Miami is pretty comfy in the right spots. Haven't been to the other too but I hear DC fucking sucks


>Miami is pretty comfy in the right spots.
Such as? Serious question - I dont know the neighborhoods very well.

larger nigger city population results in more disparate policies that will affect you directly. even if you dont see niggers daily, it does affect the quality of life. just put in the time to build the cv and you will be able to relocate.

I don't live in Miami so I couldn't give you a run down of the whole thing but the closer you are to the beach the better obviously. Miami beach is quite nice

Chicago. This is not even a fair question.

which ever one has the least nigs and kikes.
lel, May as well move to Mogadishu

Why's that?
Same question for you

As a starting software engineer, Chicago has the big corporate job market, lots of opportunity. DC has many lucrative positions in the contracting sector, but you have to deal with fedniggers. Five years ago, Miami would have been the worst career wise, but I've heard they've been pulling business from NYC, post COVID, and if you're a local Florida man, you might fit in better there.

Graduated in what?

that user probably says chicago because you have family and a free place to stay there. reality is the best thing is to get out of your comfort zone away from family when trying to build a career. being flexible and able to relocate will allow you to improve your position in the future. It will bump your salary and position especially if you get headhunted.
t. graduated then worked in 4 states within 5 years.

Tell him North Side, tho. FFS, south Chicago is like Baltimore.

>and if you're a local Florida man, you might fit in better there.
See but that's the issue - Miami is like a completely different country. Im from Orlando - a cushy white suburb called Winter Park to be exact - the polar opposite of Miami. Im not sure that would do much for me there. The thing I have going for me is that there are roughly a million UF alumni that live there too

Fuck hot weather. I loathe it.