Guy reveals power level that redditor has been manipulated as a sex slave

Female redditor only sees that she has been manipulated and groomed nto being a degraded sex slave to a degenerate coomer for years and when he is bored with his whore and reveals his power level.

Her first response is that she is "alarmed' instead of ashamed or disgusted. She is so fucking stupid that instead of feeling shame she sees it as some questionable and uncomfortable kink of some kind.

Women are so fucking stupid they will simultaneously believe that they are sexually liberated yet will be groomed as a sex slave by some coomer fetishist for YEARS.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>does anal and scat now
>he's le creepy
hahaha, women

>haha im so stupid
>therefore creepy
hang them

Oh my goddesses it's reddit I FUCKING LOVE FUCKING REDDIT! let's talk about reddit! do they have any hot takes on the latest twitter screencaps!? i can't fucking wait to fucking see them!

A casual fuck buddy for years? LOL women are absolutely adorable sometimes.


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I'm sorry if knocking up a women you've been intimate a while with is a fetish to you, then your for sure gay.

ie a bitch you wouldn't marry in a million years

casual fuck buddy for years actually willing to pop some babies into her and settle down? the whore should be so lucky

If I hated myself enough to have a reddit account I would comment something like "I give it 2 weeks before you're begging for it"... hey, you're a self hating retard right?

>breeding fetish
Everything is a fucking fetish with redditors. It's their culture. They don't understand family.

This /thread


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more reddit!!!!

Thank you voice of sanity out there on the Interweebs.

>He made me like things he likes and wants to raise a family with me HOW DARE HE!!!!

in my experience, women tend to adapt their sexuality to fit a man's if she likes him

A decade of meditation didn’t prepare me for this insanity , but it has helped stop me from blowing my brains out.

>bangs dude for years
>obviously likes him and desires hi approval
>dude drops a big hint he wants to have a kid with her

this thread is liberal tier lgbqtKyivBLM+ diarrhea OP and you should feel bad to think this matters to anyone anywhere

breedable but not submissive. disappointing


She's clearly bragging and trying to get sympathy at the same time, don't waste your hate on this bitch.

Looks like someone needs a side quest, kind stranger!

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>woman gets regarded as a woman after years of being regarded as a toy
>that was creepy

I'll say.

>leftist women view procreating as a fetish

yikes, there's a lot to unpack here

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She sounds hot. He sounds like he isn't breedable.

>this guy I have sex with said we would make great kids

wow great thread OP

for fuck's sake

My God. What a complete cockwomble.

'Breedable' is a porn term. So is 'fuckable' for that matter.

There are ways to tell someone they're particularly sexually attractive. There are times when a little dirty talk is absolutely fine - but I cannot really imagine being out for breakfast as one of them.

op you're looking breedable tonight

>first few are exaggeration of basic tasks
>last one is downplaying a whole labour intensive project

Awful dungeon massa

I hate every single word of this. Fucking reddit.

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Fuck I hate men that need their partners to be mothers, and I hate women that fill that void.

That's based. I'm jealous of that guy.

All redditors are trannies or male libtards

The feminine desire cooperation, the masculine desire competition.

>Female redditor only sees that she has been manipulated and groomed nto being a degraded sex slave
Who paid for breakfast?

Many such cases. Political views, musical tastes, hobbies, women will gradually copy all these things from you if she respects you as a man. The speed at which she does it depends on her own self confidence, but almost all of them will do it sooner or later.

>Let me shit on your tits and cum on your eyeballs while I stretch myself and poke your urethra with a dirty chopstick
>Yesssss daddyyy
>How's about a baby...?
>Ewwwww gross creepy like totally handmaid's tail eww eww eww

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This is now a reddit shitpost thread.

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