How bad is the collapse going to be?

Post a movie that is the most likely to resemble life in the coming years

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something something idiocracy
something something/

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2 more weeks

OP you’re close. Try Fury Road. Half bloods, prized breeders, shortage of water, gas, plants, and bullets.

Mad Max Fury Road is our future.

This is already reality and explains Florida's housing market which will not crash.

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the elites seem to know it best...

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Bladerunner without the extremely advanced technology or the robot waifus.

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A middle ground of Walking Dead and Birdbox. The nanotech GO Hydrogel vaxxed have to be alive for the 5G hivemind to kick in.

How can the 1980s come back?

>None of these reviews have replies

lol nice bots.
lmao even.

Besides you, sorry.

beep boop nigger nigger the thread only has 19 replies chill out

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Scrap the Walking Dead. More like a hybrid of 28 days later and BirdBox. The vaxxed hivemind zombies will be literally controlled by Big Telco/Mossad, and they will be very functional. Hope you got your ammo stocked.

This shit should have multiple replies by now for '19 people'.


I replied to myself, faggot. Had to make a change to my initial thought.

>Post a movie that is the most likely to resemble life in the coming years

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god you're such a faggot go eat a burger fat ass

It's going to be "The Road" mixed with "Children Of Men".
As it already is becoming "Children of Men" with the whole virus sterilization coupled with the encroaching nanny state.
And Ukraine and eastern Europe along with the underdeveloped world is going to go even further into food scarcity and fragility to the point of mass cannibalism and roving gangs of looters.
The latter may not occur so much in Western Europe or the USA/Canada, but Africa, India, China, MENA, Latin America, and Eastern Europe (as war in Ukraine grows more regional) will divulge into "The Road" style survival.
The US will balkanize and break apart and it will just be decades of civil strife and attacks against the states that are left, many of whom will still be controlled by globohomo megalomaniacs.

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If you get my meaning.

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Best analysis.

Much better movie than the escape from NY

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Can't think of an appropriate Sengoku movie... but yeah america is going to make the territories of that clusterfuck look organized and easy on the eyes.
Look up the regions that compose NYC, then imagine EACH split into 4-10 territorial chunks. And that's just one city. Just. One. CITY.

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we're unironically in weimar 2.0