So how does Any Forums deal with the fact that the comfy times

Will never come back ?

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mulatto trannies screaming "YOU ARE A FAGGOT" at children forever is the new norm
get used to it

Shows like that are illegal now

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Hard times make strong men and kill weak men.

They're old now. If you want to see how it turns out, watch Grey Gardens.

90% reduction in global population by 2030

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They dont make music like this anymore

Nothing's funnier to me than imagining some German guy watching American family drama tv shows

Oooh they will be coming back after some much needed bloodshed and payback...

13 billion by 2030. Enjoy the brown wave.

how is this funny ? those were the 2000´s COMFY TIMES

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Fuck I didn't fall for that shit even when it came out I knew it was cringe as hell. Lots of retards did though.

I can only hope that degrading living standard will produce the next Hitler, who will make things right again.

the comfy times are only just beginning

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I'm only kidding, it's just weird thinking about random people from different countries sitting down and watching the same shit my mom was watching when I was a kid

Gilmore Girls kinda wrote themselves into a corner

Rory is supposed to be this great Mary Sue but the only thing she uses her maximal white privilege for is cheating on her boyfriend with a married man and fucking a Wookiee at a con. Now she’s knocked up and has no idea who the dad is.

Meanwhile Lorelei and Luke are still absolutely horrible at communicating with each other and spend most of their time making each other miserable.

The only redeeming outcome is Richard dying and Emily telling off all her crusty socialite friends so she can go inawoods

desu i would fuck rather Lorelei than Rory.
I mean look current pictures of Rory ... Bitch looks retareded. Lorelei is still a MILF. Also Lorelei is a name from a german poem myth from the Rhine River. Screenwriter was probally lowkey a Nazi.

Richard is the only worthwhile part of this awful show.
I need a super cut of only his scenes.
Call it "Gilmore"

The one in the uniform. I used to watch it and dream about her taking a piss and shit in my mouth

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Sometimes i dream about fucking anglo girls in school uniforms. Like pulling down that skirt, bend her over on the table and fuck her from behind, creampie that pussy.
School uniforms should be mandatory.

the daughter was a retard and spoke like Ben Shapiro on speed.
the mother was a whore.