How the fuck do people live in Arizona?

How the fuck do people live in Arizona?

What are the political implications of Arizona’s growth? Aren’t you guys gonna run out of water soon????

It’s not even July, look at this heat

(This is like 40-45 Celsius for the euros

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nice chilly day out there

It's a dry heat

104 is a rookie number. Check Palm Desert, CA in August. We fucking cook.

I'll trade their dry 104 for my 102 with thunderstorms in the area anytime.

Arizona Uber Alles

Attached: Duna Explorers.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

>Cockpit clipping

That Vulture cockpit has shitty windows, I just wanted a nice viewpoint to do some POV driving so I don't hit a rock at a speed greater than 20 m/s and bounce so hard that the fucking tire breaks off the vehicle..
like pic related lol.. so I guess it didn't help

Attached: the busted tire.png (1920x1080, 1.38M)

Good thing you have a few niggas and Kerbal attachment system do have KAS right?

How can y'all be alive at 104°? How the fuck?

Dry heat. More comfy than the humid southeast.

Air conditioning and pools. Stop being poor.

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I never tried KAS, what's the QRD on that one?
The reason this thing is so big is it's just a giant roving base with a focus on being a rocket factory through Extraplanetary Launchpads.

Anyways I just made a new wheel with a computer and lots of gyroscopes and a radioisotope generator and had the kerbals install a docking port for it to clip onto because the original glitched out and couldn't be manipulated
..added a few extra parts but lined up just fine

Attached: The Spare Tire.png (1920x1080, 1.49M)

104 is literally nothing. I live in Phoenix now, and compared to my hometown Lake Havasu in AZ it's on average ten degrees hotter than Phoenix. We hit 128 in 1994. I have friends who have been all over the country and they scoffed at me when I told them to be careful when they visit. Half of them got heat stroke. If your body isn't used to it, it will fuck you up.

Anyone who says it's a "dry heat" and hasn't experienced 120+ in a blazing hot sun is a mouth breathing moron.

Whats wrong with mouth breathing

It's dry there. Meanwhile it will he 100 degrees in St. Louis tomorrow, which is humid, and will be absolute hell.

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I went to Denver once and it was apparently 105 degrees. It felt like a hot summer day. We walked around for miles. If it was 105 degrees where I lived, you couldn't go outside or you would die.

It's very dry there.

>What are the political implications of Arizona’s growth? Aren’t you guys gonna run out of water soon????
Probably. The fact that growth was encouraged out here is absolutely peak retardation. The population of the Sonoran desert should have been capped at 2-3 million.

100F+ that's dry is still a LOT of IR and UV. In fact the UV is likely far higher in dry heat than in tropical.

IR and UV don't depend on the temperature, retard. Go back to school.

it's not that bad, I just went to walmart.
I don't mind the heat until it's over 110.
You adjust to it, I don't do well in cold though.

The AZ Valley is only the 2nd hottest place in US, there is a spot in Cali where it gets hotter.
It gets hotter in India than it does in the US though.

Nobody sane lives in Death Valley

No, they depend on what absorbs and converts them.
Low moisture means less absorption, means higher concentrations.

No the fuck it doesnt. The hottest recorded spots are in the US.

I'm from here and enjoy the heat

Wish all these faggot mother fuckers would stop coming and leave though

10% humidity pussies
>t. texan

Go Sneks

Attached: mess snek.jpg (1200x1686, 797.62K)

>poorfags can't comprehend modern cooling technology
I will admit I do turn into a vampire. Today I came to work at 6pm and once the sun is gone me and the dogs are going to go for a walk at the park since that's when they turn on the sprinklers and you can feel the cold come out from the ground. Then at 5am we take a 5 mile walk around the neighborhood and then a loooonnng nap.

It's still fucking hot.

I'd love to move there. It's cloudy, grey, windy, and freezing for most of the year here in new york. The sunlight alone is so important. I spent summer basic training in ft benning and thoroughly enjoyed the heat. The cold is so much more painful and deadly. Inb4 fat guys act like it's a racial thing

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It's a dry heat. The humidity of the South is worse

Holy cope you had to throw out India and the Death Valley as hotter places? Chandler, Mesa, Tempe, Phoenix is shit. Prescott Arizona though, that place fucks

Living in a trailer just gotta deal with my heat. My internal insulation sucks dick atleast I'm sweating my weight away. Humidity is basically 100% terror

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even at just like 25*C my job becomes hell and i have to stop labouring frequently just to stop myself from overheating