Democracy is inherently a shit system as long as 50% of the population is inherently retarded and keep empowering jews

Democracy is inherently a shit system as long as 50% of the population is inherently retarded and keep empowering jews

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Facts. Any good alternatives that are NOT sharia or communism?

Easy fix, don't let people have the right to vote for simply being over 17 years old and having a pulse.

Grant the right to vote based on merit and inherent risk. Make it so you have to pay a flat 2% income tax to be eligible to vote or run for office. Make it so women can't ever voice their opinion in a ballot box ever.

You dont even need the 50% you just need the bottom 10% to tip the scales

They love women because they are fucking easy to brainwash. Any zoomer girl outside the west, literally suck Leftist and corpo propaganda. The old ones were right as always when they barred them from having any form of power

Constitutional Monarchism.
Direct democracy ONLY at the municipal level; which in turn inform internal elections of regional and eventually state appointment of senators/PM's/whatever -- who convene in conjunction with a dynastic ruler who is both the symbolic and diplomatic archon of his nation.

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it's not 50%, it's 95% in bad times, 99% in good times
it's inherently a shit system, yes, but not because of the retardation of the masses which is nearly constant at all times
it's shit because it fucking reverses the natural order in THEORY, but not in practice, but the retards BELIEVE it has reversed both in practice, so they become the cause of their own enslavement and will actually fight to defend it

but really, it's just another cover for the kikes to kike without being seen as kikes by the jew-blind goyim

a democracy is 3 wolves and 1 sheep voting on what is for dinner

a republic is when the sheep has guns


Also why do I see a lot of israeli flags in Any Forums what's up? Some posts just feel too organic to be from a bot. Is it some retarded jew who got addicted to this shithole?

republicans are just as bad gargling jew cum, look at Florida and Texas passing anti-semitism bills

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This is a good post. People sorta began to wake up to the idea of the 'deep state' with Trump and realize voting is all for show. But what they didn't realize is that the 'deep state' is an inherent part of democracy, and necessary for it to function. That doesn't mean the people in the deep state aren't absolute scum though. It's much better to have the elites visible and in the open than behind the curtain.

They want the jewish lobby gibs, can't blame them. It's hard to not appease your master as a slave. Topple the Federal government and kill every jew.

>be corrupt politician
>appeal emotionally to the lowest common denominator, the poor and borderline illiterate
>promise gibs from tax payer money
>enact socialism because jew
>everything gets worse
>people keep voting you because they can't even subsist without gibsmedats now
>working tax payers literally can't get rid of you because they're the minority
>live in perpetual collapse until NWO
Great system. I feel very represented.

>Democracy is inherently a shit system as long as 50% of the population is inherently retarded and keep empowering jews

If the blame is on restards not using it properly, then democracy isn't "inherently" shit.

Democracy is inherently a very powerful tool for keeping power in check.

All tools require that people know how to use it properly. A tool by itself does nothing if you don't wield it properly.

You can vote your way into totalitarianism, but you can only fight your way out

Constitutional libertarian monarchy with a judicial branch. The judicial branch chairs are selected through willpower trials and tests.

Too late. It was given up by your forefathers. Democracy, even in a democratic republic, has failed.

Democracy is retarded if you have a bunch of retarded people that can vote. Thats why being a republic is better because you can elect people to vote on your behalf. Problem is the US has elected and allowed retarded people to stay in office for too long.

Need term limits, wage limits, and mandatory community service for all politicians elected. Citizens need to keep them down a peg.

Not when they keep taking away rights to the point you’re left with a facade of power. If those parties that you vote for are colluding with others. Get real. Democracy is stupid.

You have to remember that party members influence current politicians. The party consensus is reached by media. That’s it. A narrative is pumped into your mind non-stop. That’s democracy.

>Problem is the US has elected and allowed retarded people
I can call jews many things. They're despicable, satanic, evil pedophiles. But if there's one thing they're not is retarded, they know exactly what they're doing. Don't underestimate your enemy.

No. Media decides to vote into totalitarian things under the impression of doing good. Democracy Naturally leads to totalitarianism because the citizens WANT to be coddled.

Then we just build a new one.

Sure, if it happens. Hope it does. Wish you better.

>Any good alternatives that are NOT sharia...
Keep in mind that "Sharia" and something like the US bill of rights are not that different in nature.

Obviously they are different in their specifics (and sharia is much more extensive) but at their root it is fundamentally the same idea: there is a set of laws which CANNOT be changed no matter how popular opinion is shaped. Sharia presents some serious flaws in 'which' laws are included in this category, while the bill of rights is very deficient and also can be changed with sufficient support, basically defeating it's purpose. But the basic idea of an immutable set of rules forming the basis of government, with later governments only capable of changing things outside those rules' scope, is a pretty solid idea. In classical Western philosophy this is known as 'natural law.'

Except natural law or common law as the Brits call it, isn't always so well defined.
It needs to be explicitly written down or otherwise risk these rights being open to interpretation.

Why so many jews here?
Would jews work for free?
Many questions goy user.

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Your state tries to appease those people too though?