Try not to turn away in disgust

This is what a trans teen and their disgusting abusive parents look like, as seen on the politically right wing Fox News Channel

Attached: 6DF30F86-8CBB-42FE-83EA-C2126A2E4B79.jpg (1280x720, 239.12K)

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Wait, are the conservatives embracing trannies? Hahahahahahahaha

Everyone promoting this is a domestic terrorist, including the media organizations. I will only support a movement or group who says such and will treat them all as such. I’d say lock them up, but that gives them a chance of getting out. Only one way to ensure no chances of them ever escaping.

which one is the trans? or is this a trick question because they all look like trans

This is more bread and circus to distract everyone from the fact that inflation is rampant because the elites are burning down and destroying food/fertilizer plants and a manufactured military situation in Ukraine to blame for supply chain logistics.

America is New Babylon and was always created to be destroyed. Most people know by now its a Uniparty.

What is it the "2 Party, Jew-Party, Queer Party system" something like that? Kek

Right Idk if its real but it wouldn't surprise me I also won't click on links because they profit from it

Gutless NPC parents listened to the whims of a 7yo pozzed buy a sick society.
>mummy i think im a boy
>ok dear, here's you pubity blockers.

The girl will kill herself when shes becomes an adult and realises she has destroyed her sexuality.

How SICK that they act like they've "protected" the child buy enabling this. WRONG. The trannies killing themselves are post op. After they are irriversibly damaged by hormones etc

Hope the parents burn in hell for not just failing to protect their child, but helping propogandise this mind virus..

I know fren. I've just been waiting for it to laugh at. God bless you and have a good night

>Everyone promoting this is a domestic terrorist
An enemy of humanity.
An enemy of children.
An enemy of god.

WHATS REALLY GOING ON is your entire food chain has been POISONED by mutli billion dollar corperation. But instead of admitting fault, and paying trillions in damages, they've told the public this is "normal"

buy a fucking water filter before you have kids.
Feed them orgainic only

and no S O I

Weak. That's all it is. Pure weakness. You have to be able to control your children but you have to do it subtly. If you make it too obvious then they will defy you. Also, if the child was displaying that early without anyone egging them on, then she likely has true dysphoria.

>buy a fucking water filter before you have kids.
>Feed them orgainic only

Based I have an industrial distiller and then add my own minerals and supplement high quality vitamins on top of a whole food diet. The future is going to be crazy. Swathes of people living in rural self sufficient automated techno farms and then the masses literally purposely being deteriorated and depopulated in the mega cities. A true bifurcated society.

Waiting for what?

Eh we should just nuke the cities. They don't produce anything truly useful anyways. Noone needs a boxstation 360 or cell phone.

For them to start promoting trannies because everything is just a big fucking joke. Idk how people can still laugh at this shit. It was funny in 2017 but it isn’t anymore, like I said before, it’s fucking terrorism and needs to be treated as such. These freaks need to be getting the fear of god that they’re going to get their skin flayed off drilled into them instead of laughed at.

>it’s fucking terrorism and needs to be treated as such.

I see thank you for elaborating. I would say it most definitely needs to be kept from children. Its degenerate as fuck but if two adults can keep that shit in their own home and away from children then okay but for whatever reason they seem to refuse and feel as if it must be publicly accepted.

Ive been using a pitcher filter for years, but ordered this whole house filter in the mail a couple of weeks ago. Plumbs onto main water inlet for house which means no fluoride or chlorine or pesticide gas showers (oy vey). Breathing it in and bathing in it is apparently just as bad.


i should already received it, but ironically faggot sendle shipping company has lost it and launched an investigation. Jews are behind this somehow.. lol

Attached: s-l1600.jpg (1600x1600, 392.12K)

True and I understand the sentiment and get its probably some intentional hyperbole on your end but we can't just be hurting innocent people. Its important to bring justice to oppressors but ensuring innocence remains intact for the innocent.

lel, those systems are used in restaurants and car washes. you planning on some industrial quantity uses?

>Jews are behind this somehow

Funny I had something similar happen that got lost in the mail was for fitness/self improvement joked outloud to myself "jews must be trying to prevent me from getting stronger!" kek Honestly though I mean if you were on a list it would be easy as fuck to data harvest your purchases and fuck with them I'd imagine. With the way AI is going a bot could probably do it and mess the order. I'm not saying I know its happening but the tech is certainly there.

>e the conservatives
Fox News is a media organization. No matter how you slice it, 99% of people who go into media are liberals or outright leftists. Not because right wing people can't be entertaining or don't desire to work in media, but because the filtering processes you have to go through to get there gatekeep right wing people.

Me: How much lower can you Conservatives fall?

Conservatives: Yes.

They’ve showed their hand and gone so far, I can’t even accept that anymore. And I’m not even religious, I just see this as nothing but sexualized societal rot that needs to be burned to the ground.

Just me mostly.
Im also setting up an aquaponics system, so no gay frogs/fish is just a bonus.

the targeted ads on smart phones are very eye opening. Years ago i was talking about something to a friend, then started seeing targeted ads for it before even searching for it. I Ad block all that shit these days, but they're listening. If we had a government with any balls it would be illegal, but of course they want to profile all their citizen. Dystopian af.


>so no gay frogs/fish is just a bonus.
well all right then, ill leave you to it.

>That faggy dress shirt and tryhard mustache
>big nigger loop earrings on the wife
>"This is a trad conservative family, goyim!"