In 100 years, will Any Forums be heiled as the last bastion that resisted leftist degeneracy...

in 100 years, will Any Forums be heiled as the last bastion that resisted leftist degeneracy, survived the collapsed albeit incurring millions of brutul losses of life, but provided enough for the next seed of the regrowth of white civilization?

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Nah this place is getting leftist as fuck.
You mother fuckers would tax rich people so long as you said they were jewish.

Christian radio will out last pol.

Gotta do something about these Blumpfers man.

One counterargument that Any Forums is extreme right wing racists, anyone from any viewpoint can post whatever they want, including commies and hippies. Explain why the most discussed topics end up being right wing view points.


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Pbs newshour had the most highly intelligent right wing commentary on their site using disqus and when it got leftist, they shut it down.

Everybody moved to The Hill, and when people started getting really socialist. They shut it down too.

Shits starts out right wing as fuck, but over time you fuckers either die off, fuck off the comments, turn left,
OR you turn on each other because you aren't pure enough for each other. why are all the right wing groups one group instead of bunch if little tribes.

BLM ANTIFA. Same shit.

The worse thing that happened to the hill's comment section was when Texas's power went out. Half of the posters there just stopped.

That is why Fucking Christian radio will outlast pol. Once it gets a little too fucking leftist, it will be shut down, and everybody will just hang out in discords.

Look at all the comment from "OLD FAGS"


PBS from 3 years ago

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not at all. the world will move back towards the right but nothing here will be remembered. maybe some of the mass shooters will be viewed a symptom of a sick society but they will never be revered.

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We're getting memoryholed. There will be no record of Any Forums.

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>right wing

this is the boomer mentality that got us to where we are at in the first place. also what do you mean by too leftist? you speak of christian radio that now accepts gay and tranny pastors. Right wing isn't compromising, it's based on tradition. the evangelical christians have cucked and are slowly being trannyformed into right leaning democrats. but at the end of the day you are still democrats which means you allow the progressive agenda to survive
stopped reading

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absolutely sigma

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uncensored speech is right wing extremism. Not that this site is uncensored - Fuck Jannies.

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So let's take SCROTUS' definition of the allowance of free speech cannot include threats of violence or speech that immediately endangers the physical safety of others, are you telling me uncensored political speech will automatically promote right wing ideals?

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My tombstone will simply read "fuck jannies"

at least post the scene faggot...

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We'll be seen as an angel of light.

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modern left wing views are based on a false depiction of reality. If reality is acknowledged then their world view falls apart, so they rely on censorship to mask reality. Thus uncensored speech that freely acknowledges observable reality will inherently counter all left wing positions and is therefore considered by the censors to be right wing extremism.

nothing will happen and no one will do anything
you will eat the bugs
you WILL live in the pod
and you WILL deserve it

so why do we have 81 gorillion voters voting for a falsified perception of reality?

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but is it not a moral, no less a logical, paradox to allow people to vote on known falsity? why this happen?

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I'm not about to champion our voting system, that is one of the major reasons we're in the mess we're in right now.
