RAT Tests

What's the consensus on the Rapid Antigen Test? Up till a couple days ago, I've remained both Untested and Unvaxxed till I was forced to test with the RAT.

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it's only got something like 60% accuracy
kinda worthless, doncha think?

R ape
A allowed by
T almud

I know it is but I'm more worried about potential side-effects. I've heard about how they may have like little nanotech? (if that's the right word) things in 'em that'll infiltrate your body or something.

pretty useless, usually doesn't show up as pos until day 3 or so, by then you already know. its good to have a positive test saved so you can use it to get out of things though.

use your own swab, not the chink one the nz govt tests come with

>A test that tells you if you might have had Covid in the last 6 months

>congratulations, you have ratpox

What if I used the one that came in the box though? Although I didn't stick it up that far on my nose. Am I screwed?

According to some I’ve spoken to:
Open packet
Throw away swab
Drops of juice on test
High pass rate.

yeah dont use that one, use one of these

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Ohh, like the Q-Tips you can get at the local pharma? How bad are the swabs, is it bad even if you've just used it once?

Spit on it you dolt.

you'll be fine, I just didn't want to stick some chink stick up my nose.

Covid isn't even real

under what circumstances were you forced? just wanna know in case it happens to me so i can plan ahead

did they put a gun at your head? if someone tries stabs my nose i'll stab their chest

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Your going to die. Idiot

Nah you’ll be fine mate.

A very close relative of mine, who I went out to watch a movie with, tested positive the next day. She doesn't care that I'm unvaxxed but she, for some odd reason, informed my work place and they made me take the test. That caught me off-guard so I just went along with it and only realized what I'd done after it happened.

Thanks for the reassurance fellas, I've been really worried these past few days about it. I feel like some part of me has been violated, as overdramatic as it sounds.

>She doesn't care that I'm unvaxxed but she, for some odd reason, informed my work place

Is is supervised? It’s one hell of an easy cheat.
Even if yes I’ve heard of guys just sticking it under their mask.

Thats bullshit, just spit on the swab. I've taken 3 tests where I drop spit into the tube. I did test positive when I was sick for 10 days. Def had it. The psyop is thinking the virus is only 8 inches into your sinus. If you have it, its everywhere.

understood user. i'll be vigilant. thanks for your sacrifice.

I don't know if it matters but picrel is the brand they used. Had to screenshot it so that it'll fit the pic size limit.

Attached: Screenshot_20220614-120631.png (1080x2160, 1.5M)

>so i can plan ahead
Blow your nose on a tissue and wipe the schwab on the tissue
Don't insert into the nose.

This is how I got a positive test result to get out of work.

Unrelated but doesn’t require a thread….
What the FUCK Is YouTube pushing now!
My 11yo uses this account. Cunts.

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