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bruh I can get gas anywhere, I made gas a few minutes ago, you mean people will BUY this?

post link faggot.

yes but only if you are a Noble

fucking brits win again

Deja vu. Nothing really happened

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Honestly this is a nothingburger many counties horde noble gasses
Noteably the USA and helium
Someone will just have to open up a other valve for gas, which they'll happily do of the demand for it will get them some money

Meh, they'll new places to extract, it's alright, shortage only creates search opportunities and innovation.

I'm sure some PhD somewhere toiled hard to use Nitrogen for chip creating process, fuck this Nobel Gas crap.

or a female ... (but thats the simps fault)

I don't understand why they don't just reuse the neon
It's doesn't react, nor does it undergo fusion
It's a noble gas
You can suck it right back up and use it again

all chip productions outside of china and japan will shut down latter this year

Looks like I’m gonna be stuck on this 1650 mobile for a longggg time.

USA has sold off all the strategic helium reserves as of 2018. The remainder of the facilities are to be decommissioned in September of this year. They were going to rely on private exploratory mining and of course, Russian supply. All those Amazon and Facebook data centres need helium to fill their high capacity HDDs and they will be paying Russia top dollar for it.

It's so fucking over on so many levels.

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Eveywhere there is gas fields there is helium
If need be even NL can refine helium

helium is not it


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You don’t refine helium you collect it, it doesn't bond with anything so there is no refining process. Helium from fossil fuel reserves is usually in very low concentration (

Lmao sorry
You're right

I built a good PC back in early 2016 and it still runs pretty much everything fine, only thing I've ever had to replace was the wi-fi adapter. Good thing new games fucking suck donkey anus.

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Interesting to know
But why would they vent it away if they already are able to filter it?
Especially when helium keeps getting more expensive
And heah by refined i means to seperate, but you are probably right that i got that termanology wrong

I've always been thinking of making a setup but my urge isn't strong enough to actualy make me spend the money to do so
Mabye someday i'll replace my partially shitty laptop

Not even worth it to build your own PC these days. Parts are so expensive that it’s cheaper to buy pre-made.

Fug, I was going to wait for the 40 series nvidia gpus

The cheapest method is
Oh wait that's illegal i think