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>everyone's life sucks
>somehow this does not entail societal collapse

2 things can be true at once

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Is that a picture of Tim Pool without the hat?

Only nazi incels and right wing are having bad lives because they fill their hearts with hate. Everytone else is living their best life in our modern world of love and tolerance

You are very short sighted

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My life doesn’t suck, actually

true. struggle is what breaks complacency

>be kike nation wrecker desecrating Occidental values, culture, economy, structure for three hundred years
>mongorian basket weaving board complains weakly
>affect to role of life coach to the goyim
>fix your life goyim
>nothing to see here

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holy shit, shills are actually getting assigned to shill against "social collapse" now. Holy fucking shit. This is actually the scariest thing I have ever seen on pol

7/10 b8

>Everytone else is living their best life in our modern world of love and tolerance
youre deranged if you honestly believe this

I'm fine m8. Ever thinks it's just you?

This, but unironically.

I love everyone and nobody has any tolerance of be as a direct result of my love for them.
My life is quite good and I am quite happy regardless.
For some reason, once you start not only accepting and tolerating other peoples cultures, but even promote them highlight them and celebrate them, people stop being so tolerant.
There sees to be little tolerance for tolerant people in society.
They expect me to be sociopathic, and are furious when I'm not.
People also seem to be extremely white supremacist and imperialist, they enforce their culture upon others.
I don't want China to become like the west, china is rich in culture, if anything i would rather the west became more like china.
This makes people mad for some reason.
Nazi here btw.

nah, it's lots of people you eternally dishonest jewish rat

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read a history book faggot

>All kinds of food shortages
>Political Divide
>Extreme weather caused by "global warming" (in reality it's artificially created)
>Decaying infrastructure we are dependant on
>Aging population

But yeah, it's just because my life sucks (when in reality seeing this storm that's coming is the main thing pulling my morale down).

If that's how you want to think, man.