America is lost for whites. Prices are up, businesses turn unprofitable, looting and raping are commonplace. I don't even ask how can it be solved. It's lost totally.

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Other urls found in this thread:


is there a way to lock them in
like a roach trap?

You better stay in Japan to teach your crappy English, America is truly lost and disgusting

There is NOTHING redeemable about America. Not even one thing. The culture is dreadful, people behave like maniacal sociopaths, worshiping money over race and family. The food is poisoned, covered in glyphosate, unripe, nutritionless, GMO filth. The air is filled with chemtrails. The waterways are filled with microplastics, estrogens from birth control, fluoride, etc. The people, oh man the people. I could go on for ages about all the things Americans do that fill me with anger.

If you sit down and observe how Americans act, everything they do is greedy, self-servicing, or completely pointless. The concept of soul no longer exists in this land. The last remnants of what America was is in the elderly WW2-era people who are on their death beds.

The conservatives conserve absolutely nothing, they just slow down the agenda ever so slightly. Conservatives today are yesterday's hardcore liberals. Tomorrow the conservatives will be Leninists while the Left will be Trotskyists. No Americans who read this post even understood that reference, which shows how poorly educated Americans are, also. The education systems are not about teaching people to strive, innovate, and achieve, but rather to conform and consume. People here have no conception of higher ideals, caring only for their basest desires, food, sex, drugs. ALL of which they consume in excess, because moderation isn't encouraged in any respect. Gamblers, cheats, and con artists is the USA. (Cont)

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(Cont) The movies worship criminal niggers, and meth cooks (you know what the fuck I am talking about).

They encourage promiscuity and actively mock chastity, loyalty, virtue, and practically all morals. Even the "conservative" "based and redpilled" Americans actively enjoy Jewish filth like "Always Sunny", "Sopranos" (hahahahah Jamal Ginsberg!!!!), or what ever have you boomer sitcoms. They love watching White men, fathers be emasculated while their intelligent but loving wives fix everything.

Their games consist of mindless violence, sex, drugs, the usual stuff they enjoy in real life. They love to pay $60+ (with DLC, of course!) to play as mulatto niggers and women killing the evil bad White guy. Recently, they also hate masculinity and view it as a toxic, non-integral part of civilization. The children actively mimic niggers and emulate nigger rappers in everything they do. Once again even the "based and redpilled" Americans here and everywhere love talking like niggers.

Truly, I could go on for ages and ages. I have in the past. There is nothing redeemable about the country. Not a single one aspect AT ALL. Get that through your thick, 7% Cherokee (BASED!) heads.

And finally, the one "redeemable" aspect most Americans love to use

>but muh gunz
Which has done nothing but given you a false sense of security where you will just sit on your potbellied ass in your disgusting slobby den eating fast food and LARPing about how you'll do something once X line is crossed. But you will FOREVER and EVER change the goalposts until you are dead, likely of heart disease. Don't let the "muh guns" (which they never use) excuse fool you, Americunts are the biggest fucking cowards known to man-kind. Holy shit. The most armed populace and not a single one of them could take out the heebs who fucked their country worse than DuPont.


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i for one am happy our black friends are getting their reparations from corporations.

Sure you do amerikneeler.

Attached: amerikeks.webm (1160x710, 2.93M)

That video is from 2020

Real Whites that arent Mountain Dwelling Shekel Jews see opportunity in chaos. The worse things get, the more harmful this society is for blacks and browns. Also the more pissed the world's largest armed populace gets.
> Nazi Germany will have nothing on the US's rebirth in the next 3 years. Just watch.

The only people who post things like this are brown thirdies or seething Ivans.
Post wall socket with timestamp.

you realize mexicans have more numbers and more power than blacks? america is long gone so i really don't give a fuck what happens anymore desu

Still relevant especially that america is already an anti-White, multiracial and degenerate cesspit.


Third-Worldizing America

The Negative Impact of Racial and Ethnic Diversity Upon Societies and Individuals. [Meta analysis / study library]

Then and Now

Why Multiculturalism Always Fails

New study finds that race is real and race realists are right.

>Be me
>Be white
>Call me self the superior race cus you figure how to get to a new continent before anyone else
>I am so superior that i am going to bring villages full of proto humans with obvious violent tendencies wherever i go because my wife requires that BBC

you have no one else to blame but yourselves, pay up whity.
It's also pretty incredible how this fucking animals refuse to civilize but instead drag civilization back to the dark ages with them

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>Also the more pissed the world's largest armed populace gets.
>Nazi Germany will have nothing on the US's rebirth in the next 3 years. Just watch.

LOL you won't do shit muttoid.

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> Waaaaaaah YoU'Re mUst Be a CcP ChiNk, RuSsiaN boT, ShitSkin Or jeW iF yoU HaTe Or CriTiCiSe AmErikWa...

LOL whatever helps you to cope muttoid.

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The Macy's location at this mall has 3 entrances. Two that go into the mall and one exterior one. All three entry/exit points have a cage that they can use to close it up but it is weak. The sheriff station is across the street from the block this mall is on but it would take 5 minutes for them to arrive. It could be possible to block the outside entrance/exit and the law enforcement close in on the closer interior entrances. I say, an easier plan would be to destroy this wing of the mall (but leave Round1 alone, and turn that into a whites-only establishment)

>Which has done nothing but given you a false sense of security
I think the fact that we have the least authoritarian government outside of a few eastern ethnostates is what gives us the false sense of security. So the rest of the world can stop talking like they know how to maintain liberty because they've failed even harder than america.

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> americans
> White

LOL pick one mutt.

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>I think the fact that we have the least authoritarian government......

LOL cope.

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Aren’t niggers great?

Fuck off glownigger.

Maybe when the cities get their food deliveries and Powe cut off, all the niggers will run out of food and just die since they can't cross the desert and stuff.

>has to cut the sentence of halfway to pretend it's incorrect
lol loser. behave or i'll tell your government you were being racist on the internet

Mutts like yourself will still worship them though.

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> T. Assblasted muttoid

KEK! American "Whites" are gigantic cowards. All you have to do to defeat them is with words, not even bullets. Like "You're racist" and that will defeat over 90% of the american "White" population.

When confronted with the inadequacies of its own "nation", the fully subverted golem doesn't reflect on them, but instead brags about how its nation ruined someone else's home on behalf of its talmudic masters.

You truly are a golem (jew slave) to the bone.

Americans are fat retard nigger lovers. They add nothing to this world. Absolute laughing stock.

>Hurr durr guns are so good
>I will protect myself until the end if anything ever happens

Meanwhile let niggers burn every city to the ground and antifa run wild. Election stolen. What did they all do? Nothing, not a single thing lol.

(((Americans))) have NEVER done good for someone else. All they do is project their complexes and degeneraries towards other people.

It's like a person with AIDS who wants to infect others before dying.


Americana mutts are individual capitalists.
They can never do anything together.
Everybody is for himself there.
Society of broken individuals.

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>can’t post it
Ok Ivan. Have fun with your shitty demoralization thread.

> muh demoralization

LOL can't face the reality of your increasingly anti-White, multiracial and degenerate cesspit of a "country" huh mutt? LOL not my problem.

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